Carla Townsend is a Money Mindset & Success Coach who empowers purpose-driven female entrepreneurs to create a business and life they never want to escape.

Carla has a wealth of experience from empowering women to break free from money blocks and self-imposed limitations at all stages of their entrepreneurial journey, from start-up to seasoned multi 6+ figure entrepreneurs.

Carla initially started her business in October 2019 as a modern money coach for mums and families, but after 12 months realised that her passion was business. After a 10 month break and giving birth to her third child, she then relaunched Money Mindset Hub to what it is today in June 2021 with a new-born baby, two year old and four year old.

Her qualifications include a Diploma of Financial Counselling, Sacred Money Archetypes® Certification, and certifications in Life Coaching, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), and she is currently studying Hypnotherapy.

Drawing from her own experience, Carla has honed her expertise by learning from some of the world's best in money, mindset, spirituality, and business. Coaching women to unleash their potential has been her passion and obsession since first stepping into leadership roles back in 2013.

She constantly strives to empower women to overcome challenges and create their own masterpiece. However, her story goes beyond professional achievements. In 2016 she and her family were living in a modest 12 square house, now they reside in a million-dollar home. Alongside launching her business and podcast, her and husband Michael also welcomed their three beautiful children from 2017 - 2021.

Her achievements are a testament to her unwavering determination and ability to overcome challenges, even while raising three young children. Reflecting on her remarkable transformation, it becomes clear that her success was no stroke of luck. Every step was intentional, driven by a powerful purpose.


If you would like to interview Carla for a media feature, podcast collaboration or book her as a guest expert/speaker in your online event/program, please fill in the form below and the MMH team will be in touch within 5-7 days.