79. 2024 Reflections, Intentions & Crafting Your Freedom Blueprint

In this episode, we discuss the following:

  • The Journey of Freedom and Flexibility for an Entrepreneur

  • The Power of Visualization and Reflections of the Past Year

  • The Importance of Intention Setting and Celebrating Wins

  • Self-Belief and the Importance of Saying No and Setting Boundaries

  • The Average Number of Income Streams Multi-Millionaires Have

  • Embracing the Laptop Lifestyle

  • The Value of Small Circles of Big Dreamers

  • Optimizing Energy and Time Expansion

  • Letting Go of Unnecessary Obligations

  • The Power of Positive Consumption

  • Your Ins and Outs for the Year

And so much more! I hope you love this first episode and it activates you to set a lot more intentionality towards this year and what you desire to achieve, because you truly can be do and have it all!

Carla x

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  •  In this episode, we discuss the following:

    The Journey of Freedom and Flexibility for an Entrepreneur

    The Power of Visualization and Reflections of the Past Year

    The Importance of Intention Setting and Celebrating Wins

    Self-Belief and the Importance of Saying No and Setting Boundaries

    The Average Number of Income Streams Multi-Millionaires Have

    Embracing the Laptop Lifestyle

    The Value of Small Circles of Big Dreamers

    Optimizing Energy and Time Expansion

    Letting Go of Unnecessary Obligations

    The Power of Positive Consumption

    Your Ins and Outs for the Year

    And so much more! I hope you love this first episode and it activates you to set a lot more intentionality towards this year and what you desire to achieve, because you truly can be do and have it all!

    Carla x

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    Download the Money Archetype Blueprint

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      Welcome back to another episode of the Money Mindset Hub podcast. I'm your host Carla Townsend, and I'm a Money Mindset Success Coach for female entrepreneurs who want to eliminate their money blocks and monetize their genius. 2024. This has such a different energy about it. And maybe it is because I am now full time in my business, which is something I have been moving towards since I.

    Was pregnant seven years ago with my first daughter. I remember commuting in the car to the city an hour each way. And I would just constantly be listening to podcasts and audio books around business and mindset and wealth, and listening to empowering stories of other women in business and mothers in business.

    As I was about to step into that, that stage of my life, and I knew. I knew that that was what I wanted to create for myself. I had no idea what it would look like at the, at that time, but I just started to change the way that my mind worked. That I could move through the things that were holding me back, my limiting beliefs, my doubts, my fears, my objections, my projections, all of it.

    And. When I started to rewire my own mind that I realized a complete shift in my energy in the way that I would think in the way that I just wouldn't cast judgment anymore in my relationship with money, obviously being one of the biggest transformations of my life and everything began to change.

    And then I began to become the confident person that I am today. And it was so cool because this whole seven year journey and some I knew what it was that I wanted. And I knew that I always wanted to be the mom that never had to miss out on the things that was there for my kids that was there at my pickup and the drop off and I could work from home and I could be there for my kids and I didn't have to go to work.

    I didn't have to get babysitters. I didn't have to rely on other people to raise my children. That could sound brutal. I get it. But. I didn't want to have to do that. Plus my husband and I, we live 45 plus minutes away from all of our family. So it's literally just him and I here. So we've only ever had to rely on daycare, like one to two days a week for the last literally seven years to help look after our kids, our three kids.

    But that is what I wanted. I just wanted that freedom, that flexibility, that capacity. And I always knew that I eventually did not want to have a boss. I wanted to be my own boss. I wanted to run my own show and I knew I had what it took. Like I've been doing this leadership and coaching and all that for the last 10 years, so I could do it, you know, professionally for teams of people.

    And I had such a knack of transforming them, their mindset, how they work, their work ethic, their productivity, everything. And I knew that eventually I would do something on my own and then here we are, this is what we're doing. So seriously, whatever you are right now, like maybe you are the same as me and you were just like, it's a pipe dream, but you know, at some point it's going to come true.

    You don't really know the how you don't really have everything figured out yet. And trust me, you don't need to, you really don't need to. You don't need to have everything figured out. You just need to continue putting one foot in front of the other in the right direction. And sometimes you think it's the right direction and it's not, you might go off track, but you always come back on.

    Okay. This journey has been full of so many ups and downs and moments where I literally thought I'm not cut out for this. Like, how the hell am I going to do this? I need more time. You know, I don't have enough resources. Like I need more support. I need more help. All these stories and narratives played out.

    At certain times over those years, but I just got so much better at not listening to them and not allowing them to derail me from the bigger vision. So if you are someone who's like me, and you're a big visionary, like for some reason, You manifest like a mofo from visualizing the stuff that it is that you want, and you know it's yours.

    And even if you don't 100 percent know it's yours, the vision is in your mind for a reason. The vision is on your heart. For a reason it was given to you to live it out. Please keep telling yourself that was one of the most profound things I had to keep reminding myself.

    If I have this vision, then it is for me. It is my responsibility to live this out just like it is yours. So that could scare the shit out of you. It scared the shit out of me. But the more that you keep going toward what it is that you want to call in, you just can't stop. It becomes addictive. It becomes addictive at getting uncomfortable and seeing what you can really do, showing yourself what you're truly capable of becomes addictive.

    And then you can't stop because you're also not showing it just for yourself, but you're showing it for your children. You are showing your children what is possible. You are creating new paradigms, new ways of living. So a super quick recap on a couple of like the big things that happened, I suppose, last year.

    And if you haven't reflected on your last 12 months, I encourage you to do so. And just look at the things that worked well. And then look at the things that maybe did it. And then that can lead into the next category, which I'm going to talk to you about, which is ins and outs. You may have seen this trend on Instagram.

    I love that I got on board. So I want to discuss it a little bit deeper here and explain. What it all means for me and then maybe that will inspire you to have a little bit more attention as you go into the year because I know personally how guilty I am of so many years. Not having an intention going into the year.

    It was only back in 2021, it was 20, yeah, it was 2021 that I actually began to choose a word of the year, which is kind of like your theme or intention of the year, just something that you continue to come back to. I only started doing that in 2021. So up until then, I didn't give a lot of intention into my life and into what it was that I was focused on that.

    Yeah, I always was in line with the vision, but I truly think that I could have created. This life a hell of a lot quicker had I been more intentional, which that's why I think this episode is so important to get you started. What is it that you want? What are you bringing in? What are you taking out?

    What are you moving towards? So ,quick recap. This year was massive. Again, I'm full time in my business now, which is amazing. I ripped that bandaid off. So as of December 20th, we're done. We were done. And I full time in my business, which is just exhilarating and also terrifying at the same time.

    It's both, but you know, that's duality, right? That's life. So that's exciting. That was one of the biggest things that I did and. Every single time I clocked onto my computer for my part time job, my password was full time CEO 2023 for the whole year. So I knew that this year was going to be the year, but at the beginning of last year, I probably still would have pushed it off.

    All right, I'm an accumulator. So for all of my ladies out there who have done my money archetype quiz on my website, Go to money mindset hub. com forward slash quiz. If you haven't, I am a accumulator. Okay. So I'm very calculated and it is very difficult for me to rip off band aids and security lifelines like that, but I knew that I had to do it and challenge myself.

    Okay. So if you're a fellow accumulator, you get it ripping off that band aid, especially when you have three kids in a mortgage, right? It was a lot. And look, I envy people who don't have children or a mortgage and they're all in because truly, from a financial perspective, so much easier. So that is something else that I just want you to reflect it too.

    If you have been seeing people online and You know maybe the ins and outs videos, maybe the trends, maybe what they manifested in, in their life. And maybe you're comparing it to yourself. Just remember you are on your own timeline here. You've got your own timeline. Can we improve?

    Of course we can. You can improve your timeline. You can skip, you can collapse time. You can jump there. You can get there a lot faster, but you also cannot compare your situation to anyone else. And that's a big, big lesson that I had to learn. And I really lent into this year.

    Okay, because if I didn't have three kids and a mortgage and I was just waiting full time, could I have grown my business a lot faster? Of course! Because, no offense to everyone that doesn't have children that might be listening to this, and I don't want to rant on them about this too long, but when you do have kids, and when you have three in four years, like I did, and you don't have any family that lives close, they're all 45 minutes away. It is challenging when you only have one to two days. So six to 12 hours a week. Without your children lost their own care to grow a business and to work part time. And I was studying for a portion of that as well.

    It's challenging, but can you do it? Yes. If I can, you can, but don't compare yourself, especially if you're a mom to someone who doesn't have children, who's working a full time job because it truly doesn't equate.

    So there was so many times, there was several times throughout 2023. I thought, Oh my God, you know. She's hit this level. That's amazing. Like I should be further along. Like, I swear we relaunched our businesses at the same time. Like I relaunched my business about the same time. I should be further along.

    And I kept going color. All these women don't have children. They don't have children. They had a full time job and then they could spend every other hour if they wanted to growing their business. And they could work till 10 o'clock at night. If they wanted to, you could not, you cannot, when you have three little kids at your feet, there's only certain times of the day that you can work. So don't compare yourself to those people. And honestly, nothing against their success. It's incredible. But some of the success that I've seen for women in this space is remarkable. And I applaud them. I cheer them on. I'm like far out.

    That's incredible. And it's not, again, not a comparison thing, but I just know now to cut myself some slack and you need to, as well, cut yourself some slack. If you are a mom and you are growing humans and you are growing a business, and maybe you're working as well, and maybe you're studying as well. It's a lot on your plate.

    Okay. It's a lot on your plate.

    So another big thing that happened this year was I was featured in goss magazine that was incredible. That was such a great, great experience. And it led to so many different other opportunities, like a online Forbes feature, which was amazing. And then so much more visibility, so much more visibility and awareness.

    And my podcast reaching 67 countries around the world, which is just insane. So thank you so, so much. If you are tuning in and you have been tuning in for a while, or maybe you're new to this podcast, I'm going to bring it this year because we're going full hold heavy with this podcast, so I'm so appreciative of you and I just.

    Honestly, I, the best thing I ever did was launch podcast. That's the best thing I ever did for myself, my own creativity, my own outlet and my business. It was starting the podcast. So if you've been thinking about doing a podcast, just do it.

    Something else that happened this year was my family and I went and spent most of August in Bali, which was so nice. That was our first family holiday as a family of five overseas since the world went crazy. And. I'm just so happy to be back on the travel bandwagon with my family.

    This year, I cannot wait to go to a new country. Mick and I have discussed, like every year we're going to a new country. We've gone to Bali so many times. I love it there. Don't get me wrong. We'd love it there. But we've be like eight times.

    We've been so many times there, which is beautiful, but I don't want to keep going and reliving the same holiday. You know when it takes a lot to plan a trip for five of us, you know? So anyway, I can't wait to go to different places, so what else did I do? I had one of the biggest realizations.

    A few months ago now, but there was this one point I got up I was a guest expert in a program and some of the women were moved to tears and it was just remarkable. Like it was. One of those moments that not much comes close to like in business, that was one of the most profound moments that I've ever had.

    I got off that call. I literally put my hands in my face and I just bought like tears of gratitude and happiness because I finally saw myself, I finally saw myself and realize that I become the woman that I dreamed of. I've become the woman I dreamed of. That was pretty amazing from someone who couldn't be the center of attention, hated when people would look at me, hated when I'd stand out, would literally rather hide even my own wedding.

    I couldn't even do a speech at my own wedding and the unfair, but I've been married nine years. So nine years ago, was woman couldn't even do a speech at our own wedding to thank her guests. And then here I am on a global podcast. Kind of like mentoring amazing women all around the world and so confident and sure within myself and I have zero self doubt in myself.

    That is a big bloody change. If I can say I'm going to my own home for a minute, that's a big ass change. To go from that to this. Not much rocks me. Not much rocks me. I'm pretty grateful. I'm pretty happy. I have a pretty good energetic force field now. So not much gets in, which we'll talk about in a second without ins and outs for the year.

    But there's definitely been a few pivotal things that I've been doing for the last three years that have completely shifted and changed the game. So anyway, my quick question to you, what are a handful of your wins that you're celebrating for 2023?

    Because it is super easy to just reflect real quick and then go, okay, anyway, what's next? What are we doing next? But actually just take a moment to think about that. Think about. What you did, what you achieved, maybe it was tangible. Maybe it was intangible. Truly. I think it's the intangible results are the most profound because tangibly you can't say, Oh, I went from like this level of confidence to this level of confidence.

    Like, of course you can do things like that with, you know, money and revenue, profit, all that sort of thing. That's easy to be tangible about, but when it comes to who you become. That makes someone unstoppable. That makes you unstoppable when you become someone who is unstoppable.

    I want that for all of you. I want you all to become the woman that you dreamed of. All of that being said, I only had less than 2000 followers left on Instagram and I managed to get to this point. There's a lot to be said around growing a bigger audience and a following and focusing on that rather than actually focusing on the things that you want to and putting out the work that you love into the world.

    Because truly you don't need more followers. You need a rock solid belief system in yourself, a supportive network of people around you, cheering you on. Peers, mentors, whoever it is, a reason bigger than you. a reason bigger than you to succeed. There has to be a bigger why there has to be a mission. And for me, I'm an accumulator ruler maverick.

    Okay. They're my money archetypes. Again, go to money mindset hub. com forward slash quiz. If you haven't done my money archetype quiz. You will get it. So I'm going to accumulate a maverick ruler. No, accumulate, accumulate a ruler maverick. So the accumulator is the inner banker. The ruler is the empire builder and the maverick is the road with the cause.

    So when I say I'm here to build a legacy and I always knew that I would be seen, known and heard and create a big global impact from a very young age. I mean, I thought I was going to be like the next Britney Spears, like make an impact in that way, like in music and stuff. But turns out I'm doing it this way and this way is just as fun.


    before I dive into the ins and outs of 2024, right. And what it is, so if you can see, I'm just like full lounging around in this chair. Before I dive into the ins and outs of 2024 and discuss it a little bit more, I want you to ask yourself this one question, especially if you'll go, if you're sitting there going, I have no idea what the fuck I'm supposed to write down.

    Like. What's in, what's out, I don't know. Ask yourself this one question and you will get clarity every single time. I don't even care what it's about, what it is that you are trying to do, create, decide on. If you want clarity, ask yourself, what don't I want? What don't you want? In life, in business, in health, in wealth, in relationships, in this decision that you want to make.

    What don't you want to happen? What don't you want to experience?

    Because the exact opposite of that is your clarity. The exact opposite of that is what you actually want. So ask yourself what you don't want. It's far easier. You're just tricking your brain. You're tricking your brain because it's far easier for the brain to think of all the reasons why you don't want it than what it is to think of what you want.

    Okay? So ask yourself, what don't I want? You don't want to be strapped to a job. You don't want to be working a nine to five forever. You want to have the freedom, of course. You know, you want to, you don't want to be working a nine to five forever and having to work for someone else and having to, you know, work someone else's hours and all of that.

    So the opposite of that is you want to be your own boss and you want to have your own freedom. You want to be able to make your own schedule. So. See how it can work so easily, but what don't you want? And the opposite is your clarity.

    So let me talk about some of the ins. As I was reflecting on 2023, I thought, righto, what's in for 2024? What am I focusing on? What are my intentions? Because for many years I didn't have intentions. For many years, I just sort of didn't really put much of a focus on it. Just was more focused on my own personal development without really putting much intention behind my time, if that makes sense.

    So it was more so like, how do I feel? I didn't really care about what month it was, what day it was, what week it was, whatever that like that. Bye. The more I realized that I need to actually put a bit more intention into what am I calling in and what am I saying no to saying no is just as important as saying yes.

    Okay. That is a tough one. That is a tough one to learn, especially for all my people places out there. I was a people pleaser. I was a perfectionist. I procrastinate to buggery, but it's because I didn't know how to say no and set clear boundaries. I just was saying yes all the time because I was obliged to.

    Or I thought I'd hurt someone's feelings if I didn't. That sucks. That's a sucky place to be because you're always trying to make other people happy and not really yourself. And then guess who ends up suffering? You. You suffer. You suffer. And so does everyone who's close around you. So don't be doing that.

    Anyway. In stepping more outside of comfort. This is something that I've just become obsessed with doing now. It's just stepping outside of the comfort zone. The more that you do it, the easier it gets. And the more that your zone of comfort, I suppose, changes. So there are things at the beginning that would terrify share me.

    Like I remember the first time going on social media, like going on a story, videoing myself on a story. I couldn't tell you how many times I recorded that. Over and over again before I hit publish because I was shit scared and I was sweating bullets. But then it just got easier. It just got easier and easier and easier.

    And then it was just like, Oh, it's just natural now. So stepping more outside of comfort, right? Diversification and expansion. So what that means is expanding on my skills and on myself, broadening my horizons, diversification more so means like my wealth creation and how I'm building a legacy, not just for myself, but for my family and how I'm going to have my work carry on long after I'm gone.

    Diversification is a big one. Okay. You don't want all your strings of it. Like you don't want to rely on one stream of income, especially when you work for yourself, have a think about all the different products or services or the different places where you have your finger in the pie.

    The average multimillionaire has at least seven to nine streams of income. What are yours? If you just go for seven, right? Like simplify it again. what is seven streams of income? Do you have seven streams? If no, what could that look like? Just have some fun with it. Have some fun.

    Like you don't need to decide anything, but have a play. Because if you want to get to that level and be a multimillionaire, then you need to have a diversification. Needs to be a priority. So have a think about that. And what does that look like? And what's your goals there? Daily content creation. So far, I've created content every day.

    I've committed to myself. That is what I'm doing for the whole year. Because I feel like I slapped off of my content game a little bit last year. I don't want that to happen again because I know. That consistency does work and I don't care what anyone says it does. I have tried different things.

    I have tried like posting every day and obviously it definitely was easier a couple of years ago to grow on social media and things like that. Like the algorithm has changed. However, either. At the same time, that could like, Oh my God, who are you saying that? I don't really give a shit for the algorithm.

    I don't care to keep up with the trends and things. I care to keep up with my message and care. I care to. Share my message in the way that feels good to me. And yeah, carousels are fun. Reels are a bit fun. Static posts. I don't really care what it is as long as it's going out, but I'm not playing the game

    I'm focusing on the content and the message. So daily content creation is literally just getting back in the habit of creating. Sort of dropped it off there for a little bit. And now I'm back. I'm back. Maybe that's a challenge that you can do yourself.

    Just like content, content, whether it be a podcast, whether it be a blog, whether it be social media, whether it be for your programs, whatever it is, just like creation of some sort. I love the saying create before you consume. I don't know who said that first or where, where I heard it, but create before you consume.

    When you are so connected to yourself and your intuition, maybe you're like me and like lots of your best ideas just come either in your dreams, like you wake up and it's like this audible voice. I've had that happen before. It was so weird. This audible voice was just like, do it. It was my voice talking to me, telling me to do something or in the shower.

    I get offered to get a lot of downloads in the shower when I get the privilege of having a shower by myself and not with all my kids. But that is just like. Something about it today, I even went for a walk out in nature by myself because the kids and off I went and it was great that makes me feel super grounded.

    So I'm leaning more into being more grounded because then that's where my best ideas come. My best podcast ideas come, my best content ideas come, my best like teachings come because it's from my intuition. So funny. Embracing the laptop lifestyle. I am going to be taking myself out on more, like, dates, like work dates.

    Just going for lunch somewhere, going to get a coffee somewhere, taking my laptop. Being more creative in that sense. Doing that more. That is a goal of mine. Smaller circles of big dreamers. Over the last few years, my circle has definitely gotten smaller. And that is by design.

    Like, that could seem so mean, but Smaller circles of big dreamers. Over the last few years, like, especially since having kids, my circles have gotten smaller. I think this is natural. That just happens. And especially when you are going down a certain path, I don't know if people get it, I don't really get it, there's definitely certain people that I have grown so much closer to over the last few years. And we've all grown closer because we're all quite big dreamers. We have big visions, we're driven, we're motivated, and we're just doing big things.

    We're not settling for mediocre because mediocre is boring. No offense. I probably shouldn't even need to say that. Mediocre is boring. I don't want to live a mediocre life. I don't, I just, I'm a homebody. I'm definitely a homebody, but I want to travel the world. Like, I want to see the world. I want to do whatever the hell I want, whenever I want, with my family.

    Let's go. Oh, you want to go on a last minute holiday? No worries. Let's go. My son wants to go to Disneyland. He was shattered the other night when we put him to bed at 7. 30 that at 4am we couldn't wake up and just go to Disneyland. I want to be able to say, son, tomorrow we're going to Disneyland. I want to be able to say that.

    So again, the people you surround yourself with are so important. Like, think about it. If you have people around you that you spend most of your time with, and they're just drainers and complainers and shamers and blamers, are you? Like, do you fall in that category too? Or are you somehow completely opposite?

    I beg to differ. I don't think so. I think that you would catch yourself complaining a bit more often than what you'd actually like if you were super self aware. So there's definitely people that I've separated myself, well not separated myself from, just distanced myself from, still love them, still think they're beautiful people, you know, still adore them, still think they're beautiful people and stuff.

    But I'm not focusing on saying yes to everyone and everything and being at all the social events and all of that. I'm focused on doing what it is that I intend to do with my time and the legacy I intend to create for myself and my kids, my family. That's what I'm focused on because at the end of the day, am I going to care if I miss out on like a lunch or a dinner no, but am I going to care when I'm 90 years old and I kept saying yes to everyone else and saying no to me. Yeah, I'm really going to give a shit then. I'm probably going to be one of those old grumpy women. So let's not do that. So some extra ins while we're at it.

    Regular dates with my husband. We seriously are so bad at doing this, like so bad at going on dates. Our last date, like proper date when we got a babysitter, was February last year. That's terrible. It was February last year at our wedding anniversary. It is almost our wedding anniversary again. And we haven't had another date night, just the two of us.

    Saying that, we do always, every single day, make time for each other when the kids go to bed. So when the kids go to bed, it's our time. it's just him and I, we watch something funny, we have our cup of tea, our chocolates, or cookies, or whatever it is. We always have that at least 20 minutes every single day at the end of the day together, so we don't necessarily feel like we're missing out on that, but that is something that's going to be happening more this year.

    So another one that's in is traveling to a new country every year with the family. We're already talking about Vietnam this year, potentially Fiji and Cambodia as well. So we'll see what's going on there, but that's exciting. I'm excited. Travel is a big deal for us. Like travel is just one of our values.

    And maybe that is for you too. Hence the laptop lifestyle is great. Guys is great. The laptop lifestyle, be free, making your own schedule, being able to work from anywhere. This is the dream. Like this is the dream. And I can't wait to be traveling to a new country every single year, if not more, That's what we want to do.

    Creating vision boards with my kids. Like I said, my son wants to go to Disneyland. So we will put that on his vision board and get him sorted out as to what he wants to do there. Focusing on optimizing my energy. So I already train a couple of days a week, but I really slacked off on walking, which I used to do quite a lot.

    So my little goal to myself is I'm either training at the gym. That day, or I'm going for a walk, just movement every day, just trying to move every day. And the next one is time expansion. So you might've heard of the Pomodoro technique. That's something that I love, given that I am someone who, for one, I'm a projector.

    So all my human design lovers out there, if you're a projector, you get it. You wake up, your cup's full. Gradually as the day goes on, it empties and it empties quick. And then you need rest. Like I can already feel it in myself. Now, as I'm recording this podcast, I'm like, Whoa, my batteries are dying because I put so much energy into a podcast or into coaching or into creating or into my kids like I put so much energy in, and also I'm an introvert too at the same time.

    So I always find that I need to be able to maximize my capacity and expand time as much as possible because my battery burns out real fast. But that is going to be me focused on me. So a few things that are out. Mom guilt for working. Done with that. Don't care anymore. I've been pretty good over the last couple of months, but the beginning of 2023 definitely needed to work.

    But now done for it. It's not happening. However, it also means that I've really got to focus on the time expansion, right? So getting up a bit earlier because I will only have one day. a week where I don't have my kids. One of me in school, one of me in kinder and one of me in daycare one day a week. So I'm only going to have one day a week kid free.

    For now, anyway and so that time management, time expansion is a huge, is a huge focus of mine and optimizing my energy so I can, keep going. Social media scrolling. I don't scroll that much actually as it is anymore, but I really want to bring that intention into this year, like really limiting how much I'm actually scrolling and consuming.

    Apologizing unnecessarily. I am someone who constantly says, Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, sorry about that. Oh, sorry. Constantly say sorry. And it annoys me. Like, it annoys me how much I say sorry. I don't need to say sorry all the time. And It definitely comes back to when I was a kid and I would always like think things were my fault and I despise it.

    It's, it's there and I'm working through it, but I'm sick of saying, sorry, so I'm just going to stop doing that. Combos that complain or blame. I'm done. I'm done. There is so much bigger problems in the world. They're complaining about mediocre shit. I said it again, my year of truth. So I'm going to be a lot more direct to you because that's just the way that I have to be.

    I'm going to be more direct. You can lock it all up, but but to be honest, I'm done with the complaining. I'm definitely done with the blaming, like your life, your responsibility. I don't care what happened in the past, definitely with sensitivities to trauma and things like that.

    Of course, I'm not an asshole. But when it comes to like what you do from this point on, that's your responsibility. We don't need to keep blaming because blaming gives your power away to someone else. And that's not on. That's not going to serve you. It's not going to serve anyone.

    It's definitely not going to serve the people that be helping with the work that you could be doing in the world, the products and services that you could be making. People need you because you're you and no one is you. I don't care how saturated the market is. I don't care how many people are doing X, Y, Z.

    Because the only thing that matters is you believe in you and you have a vision in your mind for a reason. Live it out. Don't do something about it. Stop complaining that, Oh no, it's too cold today. I can't be bothered. Oh, I'm a bit tired today. So I can't be bothered. Oh no, like I was up too long with the kids last night.

    You will either make time or you'll make excuses. There's no in between. Make time or make excuses. Either way, that's going to equal your results. Don't complain about lack of results that you didn't do enough about to get.

    Overcommitting via obligation. Okay, let me explain this because I'm such an over committer sometimes and it shits me to tears. So I say yes to a lot of things. But some of the things I say yes to, it's because I feel obliged to, or I might offend someone, and I'm just really done with that, to be honest.

    Like, if it's not a priority for me, or there's something else that is more of a priority for me in that moment, then that is what I need to do, so, these are the things I'm going to achieve each week, each month, each quarter. This year, they come first.

    Before I'm obliged to do or commit to anything for anybody else, I will start saying no and give it to someone else or start saying, nope, I don't have the capacity to do that. You do that. I was taking on so much stuff and trying to organize so much stuff when I was working, raising the three kids, growing this business.

    Running the house, like just too much and then I get burnt out and get burnt out and cranky when I overcommitted too much. So taking responsibility right here, that was my own problem. Can you relate to any of those? All right, quick recap. In stepping more outside of comfort, diversification and expansion, daily content creation, embracing the laptop lifestyle, small circles, regular dates.

    Traveling to new countries, creating vision boards with the kids, focusing on optimizing energy, time expansion, out, mom, girl, social media, scrolling, apologizing when I don't need to combos the blame or complain over committing because I'm obliged. Also last three, these three I've been doing now for the last three years.

    They have changed my life. One watching crime and drama shows right before bed. You become what you consume your mind. is so powerful. What you put in your mind changes your mindset, whether you know it or not, whether you realize it or not. But if you are watching crime and drama we all have a boss, right?

    But if you are watching stuff like that, it's filling your head right before you go to bed. What your dream is going to be about. If you're watching shows about Murderer. And then you're trying to go to sleep. What do you think is happening in your brain? Is your brain going to be full with like, Oh, creativity and vision and all that.

    Or is it going to be like shit? I'm scared shitless because someone can now break in and get me or, Oh, big difference. Don't get me wrong. I love shows like power and Ozark. That was great. Haven't watched them since 2021 or earlier in 2020. In 2020, start of 2021, it would have been

    the next one that's out. So instead of doing like crime or drama type shows before bed, Mick and I always watch something funny. Funny, have a laugh. Means we always go to bed in a good mood. The next one, watching the news. I do not watch the news. Haven't done so for many years. I trust that the news that I need to know will find me. And it does. And often the news that I don't need to know also finds me, but I just choose to not consume it.

    I choose to not go into the conversation. I choose to not dwell on that. If it's not something that I could physically change or help or do anything about. I don't want to know about it. It's a lot of fear.

    It's a lot of fear mongering tactics and all this and all that. And so much stuff, even around like the economy. People are buying. People are scared. People are holding onto the money. People are buying! Money is subjective. Can we stop sound like it's running out?

    Because money is a tool that you spend on things that you value. When you don't spend money on things that you value, that's when you feel shit about it because you're spending on things that you don't actually need or want or any. You think you should,

    that's what I have to say about the news anyway. And the last one, pretty much consuming anything that doesn't inspire, activate or educate me to better myself or better my life. That one's pretty self explanatory. If it doesn't activate or inspire, motivate, educate me to be better or do better or live a better life, then I don't really want to consume it.

    I don't want to consume it. I plug out. I opt out of anything that doesn't align with that. And guess what? Over the last three years, my life has dramatically changed. If you can't tell my life has dramatically changed. I am so happy. And I have such a big vision. I'm like, wait, it's getting started. This is episode one of 2024.

    We're in 67 countries already.

    It's gonna be a good one. It's gonna be a good one. Anyway, what are your ins and outs? Think about it. Have intention for this year. What are you going to do? What are you going to create? What are you going to focus on? What are you going to let go of that's not serving you? Stop feeling bad for saying no.

    No is a full sentence. No is a full sentence. Get used to saying it and you don't have to be an asshole about it, but get used to saying it. Anyway, with love. I will leave you with that. I hope you enjoyed this if you want to go to my money archetype quiz, please do at moneymindsethub. com forward slash quiz. It is killer. It is killer. I love it. It is the best. It's one of the best things I ever created.

    And changing your relationship with money is not something that you will ever, ever take back. It is a necessity if you want to be successful. All right. I'll leave you with that and I'll catch you in the next episode. Bye.



80. How Your Self-Concept Impacts Your Earning Potential


78. Unconventional Path to Success & Legal Talk with Sarah Waldbuesser, CEO of Destination Legal