81. Breakthrough the Self-Perpetuating Belief of Hard Work & Let it Be Easy

In this episode, I speak about one of the number one self perpetuating beliefs that I see play out in many of the women that I work with, including myself and how it can lead to such a sneaky little self sabotage in your business that you may not even realize that's happening or think it's that big of a deal.

As well as the biggest block that is actually stopping you from making money in your business and tips on how to overcome that, and lastly a unpopular opinion about how to truly amplify your success with the least amount of resistance.

00:54 The Self-Perpetuating Belief of Hard Work
02:33 Thoughts on the Anti-Hustle Culture
03:10 Overcoming Business Challenges
05:41 Simplifying the Payment Process
07:21 The Importance of Transparency in Pricing
09:30 The Power of Automation and Delegation
11:39 Focusing on Your Strengths
14:31 Doubling Down on What Works

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82. From emptying her life savings to 7 figures with Jess Williamson


80. How Your Self-Concept Impacts Your Earning Potential