FREEDOM - The Mastermind

This is a 6 month Group Experience for the High Achieving Woman, ready to Accelerate her Growth & Trailblaze her way to Freedom.

This is the space where you normalise your BIG goals,

BIG Dreams,

BIG Visions,

BIG Money

A space where you can openly talk about money, celebrate your wins, speak about the blocks, doubts, fears, and still MOVE regardless.

You can absolutely build momentum towards your dreams with a little direction, no bs support and an intimate group of queens supporting you.


Were born for more,

Desire to be seen,

To be heard,

To make an impact,

To create your own freedom,

Trailblaze your way to success,

And build a business & life you’re f*cking obsessed with.


Time to become the Embodied CEO who can handle:










This is the place for you,

The Embodied CEO on the Rise


“I feel like I had the most incredible support for those 6 months. Our mastermind group was wonderful. We all felt safe to be vulnerable with one another and there was genuine love and support.

I truly feel like I've made connections for life and we grew as women and really bounced off of one another’s energy and raised one another up so amazingly. It was just so special.

Once you work with Carla you can't go back to floundering around on your own. Her energy is so amazing. She's wise, intuitive, down to earth and powerful, she makes you feel empowered.

The modules were fantastic also. Carla has a way of simplifying and making everything seem so much easier than it is. Just GOLD! So many life and business hacks!”


What if I told you that you do not have to work harder, sacrifice time with your family, or do all of the things that you think you have too, in order to build a successful service-based business online?

Hey lovely, I’m Carla Townsend the Founder and CEO of Money Mindset Hub and the host of the Money Mindset Hub Podcast.

I understand what it feels like to feel stuck, confused, second guessing every decision and trying to crack the code to success and money, but the truth is I was doing it all wrong for so long.

This lead to burnout, overwhelm, wasting time and never moving the needle in my business, which made me feel defeated and lost.

That was until I did it, I finally cracked the code and went on to quit my part time job and go ALL IN on my business in 2.5 years!

And no, I did not have to sacrifice time with my family and work all hours, (did I mention I had 3 pre-school aged children at the time?) Yes, I’m delusional, but in the best way!

I’m here to teach you how, to guide you, to hold you accountable, to be your sounding board but most of all, support you to find your unique way of doing business and earning money.

I have learnt from some of the very best in the world when it comes to business, money and energetics, and I know that if I can do it then so can you.

So let’s crack your code to success and tether to the possibilities, shall we?


“Many things happened in my life during the mastermind. I came to the realisation that my energy was not aligned with my original business idea and without Carla, I wouldn't have came to a decision, gained clarity or broke down road blocks in starting another venture.

Before I started, I was very anxious and was dealing with some personal issues, I honestly don't know if I would have even kept going with my business ventures if it weren't for the Mastermind ladies and Carla.

I loved the exercises and the sessions where we went into childhood trauma - I felt that unlocked a lot of deep fears and blocks.

The Mastermind instilled a different belief system in me and to trust the energy of everything I do, how I feel toward my work, a situation, or even a person. Carla taught me to trust this energy and whenever I feel drained, that it's not worth it!”


Does this sound like you?

Do you desire to increase the money flow in your business but believe it requires you to work harder?

Do you want more freedom but think the more successful you become the less time you will actually have?

Do you have programs and offers on your heart but can’t ever find the right time to bring them to life?

Are you feeling like there are a million things you need to do in order to grow your business but don’t know where to start?

Do you feel alone on this journey because your close circle doesn’t really understand your big dreams?

Are you scared to put yourself out there and think you may not have what it takes to run an empire?

I hear you, I see you, I have been you

And the BEST thing I did by far was putting myself into spaces where I was seen, heard, empowered and guided to step into my true power and create my purpose-driven business.

I understand deeply the burnout cycle that feels like it never ends,

Having million and one creative ideas and visions but never feeling likes there’s enough time to get it out there,

The self-perpetuating cycle of imposter syndrome and procrastination, because I didn’t know how to properly move through my fear of being seen and judged.

Getting in the room with women who expanded me not only forced me to show up and claim my desires, it also made me rise & become the woman, wife and mother that I am truly proud of.

It is time to feel safe in being exactly who you are,

Witnessing your true power,

And becoming your fullest expression.

Some of The Topics We Cover Include:

  • Defining Success & Tapping into Ease

  • Developing Your Perfect Product Suite

  • Launching Your Podcast

  • Establishing Your Unique Brand Pillars

  • Playful and Passive Revenue

  • Quantum Energetics

  • Creating Soul-Sourced Offers

  • Anchoring into your Next Level

  • Healing your Money Story

  • Feminine Essence vs Masculine Structure

  • Integration and Alignment

This will all be delivered via;

  • 12 Live group calls via zoom (2 per month) where we will go deeper on key topics, workshop together and learn valuable principles for immediate integration.

  • 2 x Private Calls to utilise at any time during our six months together.

  • Replays of each call will be uploaded into the program portal to re-watch as many times as you would like. (Please note, you will receive a private link for your private calls).

  • Group Voxer chat for daily voice/text support and accountability, Mon-Fri.

  • An intimate community of like-minded women who just get it!


“After being coached privately for 4 months with Carla, the mastermind was the continued support I know I needed. The mastermind gave me practical steps to take action in an environment where I felt supported by Carla and the ladies.

I launched my podcast and obtained clarity to become a life coach. Because of the close proximity to each other, we were each other’s support system in business and our personal lives.

I lacked confidence and faith in myself which held me back. With the support from Carla and the ladies, I was able to overcome my fear of sharing my voice, I let go of the fear and enjoyed the proces, and now I absolutely love sharing and connecting with others through my podcast.

I have never experienced a mastermind before, and this was one of the best investments I have ever made! This was a huge year of internal shifts for me and I know I will always benefit from this experience.”


The Investment:


6 monthly instalments of $777 USD


9 monthly instalments of $525 USD

This space was created with the intention of bringing together powerful women like you in close proximity with one another, to ascend into your most successful, confident, radiant, empowered, unapologetic self and creating your own path to success and wealth, in a way that feels pleasurable, fun and exciting.

Are you ready?


  • This is a six month long experience from April 15 - October 13, 2024.

    I personally feel this is the perfect amount of time to integrate the lessons on a tangible and energetic level, even when life happens along the way.

  • This is for ladies who are either, 1 - Brand new to business, 2 - Established but feel stagnant, 3 - Who are relaunching or pivoting their business.

    The amount of experience someone has in business does not determine the rate at which they move and actually get results.

    I don’t care how much money you are making or how much or little experience you have, I care about who you are, the woman behind the business and your dedication to your vision.

  • Live calls are held twice a month and planned for a Monday (AEST Melbourne Australia) time.

    However, this is to be confirmed depending on the women who join and their time zones/availability.

  • All of the calls will are recorded and uploaded into your online portal (accessible via the app/desktop) within 24-48 hours so you can catch up at any time.

  • Yes, you will have access to view the modules you complete within the program post completion.

  • I will teach, guide, empower and support you on your journey to the absolute best of my ability, but it is you who is responsible for doing the work and results you attain.

    I know this program will change your life and I have no doubt you will receive more than you signed up for, but at the end of the day your transformation is your responsibility.

  • There are no refunds as this is a contractual agreement, so please choose the payment plan that you can meet.