23. How to cultivate an abundant mindset.

In this episode we talk all things:

  • My experience working with women earning $0 up to consistent $40k months and how the money blocks are the same no matter what income level.

  • Abundance is anything that you want it to be, it could be love, it could be happiness, it is whatever it is that you were aiming for.

  • Making more money will not improve your relationship with money, the blocks will appear at ever new level.

  • The common money blocks my clients face and how they are not always tied directly to money.

  • If money makes you feel blocked, unsupported, like it doesn’t flow easily to you or your current reality is very distant to your desired reality, this is what you should do.

  • You are never too old or too young to focus on money and unlock the potential of what can come from it.

  • My journey of feeling like a failure until I made these mindset shifts.

  • How your physical reality holds up mirrors for you to reflect on your current patterns of behaviour, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, in order to heal and grow.

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  • 0:00

    Welcome to the money mindset hub podcast. I'm your host, Carla Townsend, and money mindset and success coach on a mission to normalize feminine wealth through empowering the minds of fierce females in business, you're in the right place if you are a female who wants to become a vibrational match to attract more wealth, freedom and abundance, because the world needs more kind hearted women like you with deep pockets. So let's get started.


    Hi, everyone, and welcome back to another episode of the podcast. So this episode is titled how to cultivate an abundant mindset. So this was something I was actually going to do in a master class. And then I just felt really cold to just share it here instead. So that's what I'm doing. And I know you're gonna get plenty of little juicy nuggets out of this episode. So let's dive straight in how to cultivate an abundant mindset. So first off, the definition of abundance just means a lot of something in particular. So abundance is often referred to as money, wealth, that sort of thing. But it doesn't have to be just that abundance is anything that you want it to be, it could be love, it could be happiness, it is whatever it is that you are aiming for. But in terms of money mindset work, we're going to use abundance as being referred to financial wealth. But also I just want to point out here that financial wealth, financial empowerment, financial, in every different sense, to me, financial success is just the ability to be free, the ability to choose the ability to have opportunities. That for me is what comes from financial gain, is freedom is choice is opportunities is quality time is there's so many different things. And for me, it's all tied back to my values. So for many of my clients, there is several different blocks, right. And it doesn't seem to matter whether what stage of business they're in, and what amount of money that they are actually earning in their business. Because most of the boxes are still the same. So many of the blocks come back to there never been enough. So I'll phrase like, you know, some of the terms that they've said some of the sentences that they've said, and I know that many of you will resonate listening to this. So there is never enough money, it never seems to flow easily. There's definitely no overflow. They feel blocked, and and not supported by money. They feel as if their desires are very distant from their reality. They don't know where to start, and they feel lost, they feel stuck. They feel overwhelmed. They feel like they're too old, or they're too young. They feel like other people are out there doing it. So they can't, they feel like their market is oversaturated. So what is there left for them to offer. So many of these different things, right. So they're all essentially they are all money blocks that appear. So we want to move through those.


    So this is the thing, I have read with women who desire to start a business but haven't actually started yet all the way through to women that are earning multiple 10 figures a month, I'm talking like $40,000 a month to be specific. That's what some of my clients earn. So working with women from that broad spectrum, I have noticed that they are all the same, it's the same block. So new level new devil, there's a multitude of limiting beliefs and myths about money that seemed to be evident regardless of where you're at, or how far along in the business journey you are, or the personal development journey you are, they always seem to be the same sort of blocks. So in my view, the link between money and success is that the level of success you believe that you're capable and worthy of achieving is directly correlated with the amount of money you believe you're capable of creating and receiving. So in my own journey, I felt like a failure for many, many years, you know, I was stuck in this land of cause and effect and I thought I needed to go to uni, get a good job. That's how I'd make you know, I might clock 100 grand a year. And that was pretty much going to be my life. If I got to 100 grand then great. That was all that was ever going to be available for me. Nothing ever felt right. And I always had this feeling of like there's something more to this. There has to be something more. You know, it can't just be what, what I say. And it's funny that it took me this long to I guess As I go into more of the spiritual side of things, because I feel like for the longest time or ever since a child, I've been a very intuitive person. And I've always felt like there was something more, you know, now whether you call that God, whether you call that source, whether you call that the divine, whatever you call it. But if you do believe that there is something more out there, then you're already on the right step, right? Because there is different realms, and it's not all what you see. And that's where you sort of fall into manifestation and being able to manifest abundance, and wealth and freedom and everything that it is that you want, love and joy and happiness, that all comes down to the spiritual realm. Now I know it could be talking total gibberish to some of you, you might have be like, What is she on about, but bear with me, if you go back and binge all the episodes, it will make a whole lot more sense. And it will continue to make more sense, the more that you dive into this side of things, something that I want to highlight now is first off all those blocks that I just mentioned, they are blocking your abundance, they are blocking that flow, they are going to block that, that money, that income, that freedom, that opportunities, all of it, they are key blockers. So I want you to start to notice, first off, where are the mirrors shining in your life, what is happening in your life that is actually reflecting back to you and triggering you in some sort of way. Because that is a big key point on a block that you might have. So being able to cultivate an abundant mindset to then open yourself up to new opportunities and new ways of attracting money and creating money and receiving money. And everything else, obviously. But in this we're going to specifically targeted on the money stuff. This is the key point to begin with. It's first off developing the self awareness of what are your actual blocks? What is it that you actually need to work on? And


    where do they come from? And then how do you move through them, sometimes it's just physically being aware of what your blocks are, you know, they're there, but you can still move through others, it's a full on need to be released, because they will continue to subconsciously hold you back, whether you like it or not. So let's go into my three tips. Well, I've got many, but I'm just gonna give you three here. So too many, it'll be overwhelming. My three tips on how you actually shift to cultivate an abundant mindset. First off, is shifting your energy acting from the place of your highest self. What would she do? What would she say? How would she think how would she view this? Would she be triggered? Or would she use this moment, this mirror in reality, to say, Okay, this is really triggering me. That's something I need to work on? How do I go about it? The second tip is to use a pattern interrupt, when you actually catch yourself thinking, the way you're thinking, whether it be judgment, whether it be jealousy, whether it be shooting someone else down, whether it be Yeah, I guess downplaying a situation or a person or their success, or there's lots of different things that can actually block you from cultivating an abundant mindset. And it all comes down to the initially the thoughts that you think. So catching those thoughts and reframing them with a thought that is better than what you thought. Now this could really, I'm really don't feel like I'm explaining this the best. Normally, I can explain this really well. But I've kind of gone rogue on the notes. So let's just say you're scrolling on Instagram, and you see someone who has something that you want. Often this can be quite triggering. Let's say it is someone that you perceive to be quite wealthy. And you think, Oh, they're really wealthy. And instantly your mind goes to, oh, they're probably born into money, or they're just lucky. That'll never be me. You know. And then there's the jealousy that can also come in, which is like, you just downplay their success in some kind of a way. Or you get jealous of what they have, rather than looking at it in from the light, like looking at it from a lot of perspective, you go down into darkness, right? So first off, this is how you recognize where your blocks are, because you want to be able to move through them. And you want to be able to always act and perceive things from a good place, giving the benefit of the doubt, seeing these people that you perceive as being wealthy and not shooting them down and not being jealous or not comparing them to you and not looking at like, well, if they've got it. There's not enough for me. There's lots of different things. It's just initially you need to catch yourself in those thoughts in those moments and reframe them to a better, more positive one that actually serves you. Because jealousy and comparison and judgment and trust me, I've been there too, you know, when I didn't know any better. I definitely act from that place because that's all I knew. And I was very insecure. But coming out of that Place, I've realized the more that I reframe it, the more that I actually show appreciation and I let people inspire me, rather than shooting them down or rather than casting judgment or rather than being jealous, you know, if I'm just simply inspired by them, the more that I actually become aware of how they do, what they do and how it all works. And the more that I've practice cultivating an abundant mindset, the more opportunities that have come to me, the more intuitive creativity that has just downloaded into my mind, this podcast came from a download, my entire business came from a download. Everything comes from downloads, but it's when I allow myself to let those in because sometimes the noise is too loud, to be able to actually know where you're at, and to be able to get those, those ideas and that creative spark, and to know which way to go. So let me go back, I feel like I could probably go back to give you a different couple of tips or not even different, but to summarize it in a different way. How do you actually cultivate an abundant mindset, catch your thoughts, first off, catch your thoughts, the ones that are coming from the place of lack and scarcity and judgment and jealousy and comparison, big red flag, they will not cultivate abundance, they will keep you stuck, they will keep you in a negative loop. And that will not allow new opportunities and abundance to flow to you. There is a great tip, when you catch those thoughts, those negative thoughts to my next tip, reframe them into something more positive. Look at it from a lighter perspective, look at it from a place of no judgment. Maybe initially you thought or they're probably just bought into money, flip that, you know, maybe they just figured it out. And maybe they worked hard to get there. Think of it like that, think of it just something different. And money being hard work is yes can also be another block, but it just whatever is more positive to you in that moment, reframe it to that and release it, release it, move on, don't dwell on something, don't you know, go and stalk people on Instagram and do all that sort of stuff, right? That's gonna keep you in that negative loop. And three, look at everything that you already have in your life. And appreciate it, show gratitude to it. Take note of the abundance that is already around you. This is something that goes so unnoticed is the abundance that's already in your life. Because often we choose to focus on what we don't have, rather than what we do have. The key shift here is when you focus on what you do have, you get more of it. That could be good and bad. Sometimes you can focus on you know the shitty things in life. And you might get more shitty things until you start to shift your focus on to the good things in life, and then good things will happen. I'm not saying bad things don't happen. I've had my fair share of shit shows. But eventually, when I choose to focus on the light, at the end of the tunnel, the light is coming. I know it's going to come it always has come it has come every single time. There's a few couple of things. I know I kind of went on a little bit of a tangent there. And I wasn't really explaining myself that Well, initially, because I did go wrong.


    There's so much abundance around you, there's so much money around you. So a couple of little things is, is simply that look it around you, you know, where are you right now, as you're listening to this? Are you driving your car? Amazing, you could actually afford to have a car, you may be you're driving in your dream car, again, amazing, you can afford to have your dream car. are you grateful of the roof that you live in, you know, the ability to have electricity, the ability to create a business online, the ability to go and buy yourself whatever you want, whenever you want, you know the ability to get to choose what schools your kids go to the ability to get to choose what you eat. There's so much stuff and when you become more and more grateful, and you practice gratitude. And I know that can be a buzzword lately. But the more that you focus on what you have in your life, you stop focusing on what you don't have. And the universe will always give you more of what you want when you're already grateful for it. So I'm going to end on this note. If you want more abundance, if you want more money flow. Do you actually feel grateful for the money that you already have? Or do you look at it like there's not enough? There's never enough money? It's always running out? You know, I'm not supported by it. If you're looking at it from a negative place, there won't be any more of it. That how was it supposed to flow to you and you're not grateful for what you've already got? Let's say you I don't know you got $1,000 in your paycheck. Are you like, Well, that wasn't enough. You You know, I'd like more. If you're like that you're instantly blocking it right? You're saying to the universe? Well, I'm not really grateful for that $1,000 that I got. So yeah, cool. But when you start shifting that and you go, amazing $1,000 And maybe even catch yourself and go, Look, it would have been nicer to get more. But that's okay. I'm so grateful that covers everything that I needed to cover that covers that covers the essentials. So how good is that I can cover my essentials, you know, and then eventually, it will become more, there will become more, there's always going to be more of what you're appreciative for. And always more of what you focus on. That's just the way that it works. That is the law of attraction 101 in the most simple form that I can explain it in, when you are appreciative of what you already have in your life, when you're aware of abundance and abundance can mean anything, like I said, doesn't have to be money. But specifically in this, I'm sort of talking about money mindset, when you're appreciative for every dollar that comes into your bank account. That is when more dollars will be able to flow in. When you feel like there is never enough or you're not lucky enough, or someone always has more, I can barely cover the essentials, then why would more money be a good thing to you, because you look at it from a negative place already, when you start to look at it from a positive place. And that's when everything begins to shift. And then it flows on. So yeah, I think I'm pretty much gonna wrap that up there. But I hope that helps. Because that really is the key to beginning anything to beginning any kind of mindset work in general, it's about recognizing how far you've come what you already have, then you will begin to attract more of what you want, you will begin to become clearer of what you actually want, you will be begin to be able to open up that creativity and that flow from the universe, your intuitive downloads, they will all become more readily available to you. Once you begin to tune in from that place. Looking at everything with light from the light, not from the darkness. A lot of our answers come from in the shadow isn't in the shadow work. But we always need to focus on flipping it. cultivating an abundant mindset. And the most simplest form is cultivating a positive mindset. Not toxic positivity, but positive from a genuinely happy, empowering place loving place. Anyway,


    I really hope that's helped. We're going to wrap it up there. I appreciate you for every dollar that comes into your bank account. What do you have that you should be grateful for? How far have you come? What did you not used to be able to do or have that you can now that's the magic. That's where the magic all lies. But obviously, there is so much more to this. And my signature program on money mindset is money methodology. And it kicks off next week on March 16. So anyway, if you want to learn more tangible tips, as well as spiritual work, but I'm definitely someone who's still very lot logical and practical at the same time, blending them all together, to really cultivate an abundant mindset and start to fully uplevel your money mindset, then you need to be in that program. The link is in my show notes. And it's also on my website, money mindset hub.com forward slash money methodology. So I will leave it there and I will catch you next week.


    Thanks for listening to this week's episode. I hope you enjoyed it and if so, please subscribe to the podcast and join our mailing list at money mindset hub.com. Until next time, remember, everything you desire and deserve is just on the other side of your own resistance. So take that next step.


24. How I 13x my income in 4 months.


22. Energetic shifts to turn pain into power.