30. You’re not a failure if you work alongside growing your business.

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Never feel guilty for making the decision to go back to work alongside growing your business, this will not slow things down, this will actually speed things up (should you choose to view it this way).

It is never about what you are doing it is about the energy behind why you are making the choices you are.

This is my story around why I decided to go back to work part time alongside growing my business in order to set up the financial runway for our family, this is not viewed as failure in my eyes, this actually helped support the growth of my business and attracting the soul-aligned clients in record time.

I recorded this a few months ago and had it sitting there, but I felt it was the right tie to put it out there as this conversation has been coming up with clients lately and I thought this information needs to be shared.

The reframe that could have negatively impacted my life and the fear of failing and how it arose again and how I got through this with the support of other women in business who have also been through the same thing.

This could be an incredible opportunity to outsource and propel your success, collapse the time it takes to get your financial goals and going full time in your business.

  • Welcome to the money mindset hub podcast. I'm your host, Carla Townsend, and money mindset and success coach on a mission to normalize feminine wealth through empowering the minds of fierce females in business, you're in the right place if you are a female who wants to become a vibrational match to attract more wealth, freedom and abundance, because the world needs more content of women like you with deep pockets. So let's get started.


    It's not a failure if you have a part time job or a full time job as well as growing your business. So I want to share a story with you now. And it's about how I've decided to go back to work part time whilst I grow this business. Don't get me wrong at the rate that the business is growing, there isn't a need to go back to work. It's not about that. That's amazing. Right? First off, I know, I need to acknowledge that fact that that's amazing to be at that point, you know, and it was something that when I first started my business, I thought it was such a long time away, you know, like it was going to take forever. And then I had a break. I realigned everything, had another baby had a third baby. And then a month later I relaunched my business. All those things aside, the reason why I decided to go back to part time work, so you know, up to 15 hours a week, the hours that I choose, is because it will collapse time for our financial runway and our financial future. And the reality that we are creating for ourselves much faster, you know, it'll collapse the time from where we are to where we want to be in a financial perspective. It's amazing to be at this point where that's a choice, it's a choice to go back, it will help. Yeah, collapse the time. And what I want to say is a few years ago, that was a very distant thing, you know, it was more of a, it was essential to go back to work because I absolutely had to, you know, to help provide for the family after I had our son. So our second, but then this time, it's not about that. And the only reason that is different is because since 2019, as you may have heard me talk about but since then, that's when I realized that money mindset was such a powerful thing. And something that I had so many blocks towards. And when I started my own money mindset journey, that's when I started to treat money differently. And I started to improve my own relationship with it and my own understanding of it and, and how it all works and how I can truly manifest the life that I desire. And from then it's just, I've never looked back, you know, from then I've never looked back. So the only reason that right now it truly is a choice. For me to go back to work to help collapse the time even further to exponentially grow our financial reality is because of the continual work, the mindset work, the mindset towards money, the personal growth, the improvements, it's all those little one percenters those continual work over the last several years, you know, three more specifically, but in money mindset, but personal development was several years that got to that point, you know, when I really started to focus on it, that's when I decided to treat it differently and view things differently. And I created a, and I was able to cultivate an abundant mindset. And that's when everything changed, everything pivoted. And to then get to this point three years later, you know, I've got, we've got our third child now. And it's like, yeah, okay, like, maybe I'll go back to work, because that's gonna mean x, y Zed in the quickest amount of time. And that will then mean, X, Y, Zed, you know, so many different things. And it's not about rushing, it's not about not being appreciative of where we are now. It's amazing, but at the same time, it's


    it's just, uh, you know, like, I feel like, I'm ready. I feel like I'm ready for that. The bonus is by doing this. I mean, first off, I'll explain what I mean by collapsing time to our financial reality and exponentially growing that is. So Mick, and I want to buy an investment property. We always wanted to create an investment property portfolio of at least three homes in addition to our family home. And we got into conversations late last year, and then a few weeks ago, and it was very obvious that that is in the very near future, based on where what we've done over the last few years over the last three years. It's now a possibility, and it's a possibility really quickly, and we know exactly what we need to do we know exactly what we need to have and what the commitment will be. And I guess again, how the banks work right? Realistically, when you have one income like you know My business aside, it's very hard in Australia, when you own your own business, you need to have worked for so many years, and then there's just a lot more to it. So when you do have an employer, it is much easier to get a loan for another house, right? So once you look at serviceability, and you go to a bank say, Okay, well, you've got one full time income, yes, you own a business, but I've not been in it for long enough. Since I came back, obviously, I started a while ago, I started it October 2019. But since I've actually come back and re launched, it's only been a several months. So for them, they're like, well, it's one income. And it's there's three children. So serviceability is where the big question mark lies. So in my decision to go back, it was that won't be a question. There'll be a full time income and a part time income. And regardless of the three kids, we've already done enough, in the back end, you know, with our finances and our decisions that we've made to be able to get this house and get it now really, I mean, as quick as possible, obviously, there's still a process, but to get that one as quick as possible. And with that builds the momentum into getting the second and then the third. And, you know, when we're explaining this to we're obviously doing this all through professionals, so when we're going down that that path, he said, it's it's very realistic, it's very achievable for you guys to be able to have at least three in the next five to 10, if that's what you want to do. So this decision, it was sort of like, well, you know, I'll just ease my way into it, I'll ease my way into it, and then I'll start working, and then yeah, that's just a bonus to my income that I make from my business, right, it's just going to be an extra added bonus. Now, I could have reframed this in my head, I could have looked at this in my head. And first off, honestly, it did, because I know I've openly shared that I've had such a big thing. Like, it's such a big fear of failing in my life, because this big theme of failures always come up for me. I know, I shared that in the previous episode. So I, for me, at first I thought is this a failure, you know, I want to be full time in my business. This is just what I want to do. You know, this is my purpose, this is my calling, and this is what I'm passionate about. I just want to continue doing this and, and helping women completely transform their money mindset. So they can create the businesses of their dreams, that give them the freedom, you know, like the freedom and everything that they desire to set themselves up. But I thought initially, you know, is this is this it? Like, am I am I gonna give up on my dreams, and I don't know, I was just sort of, I looked at it that at that place. And so I said to some of my, to my mastermind, I said,


    you know, this is where I'm going through at the moment. Another thing, it's really great if you can get in a mastermind or have some business besties do that, because you're going to face so many ups and downs and hurdles and, you know, things that you just go I have no idea what the hell I'm even doing or what to think or how to even attack this, that it's really, really helpful to have people in your circle who understand and they're going through the same thing or have been through the same thing. So anyway, I sent it to the ladies in the mastermind and and then I thought they just said you know what, just reframe it. Like you're going back with an intention. This part time job is with an intention, that money will be used and saved and spent and invested intentionally for this specific outcome, right? For this, this property. And that's when I realized, yes, that's right. You know, I'm going to look at it as it's an intention, I'm doing it with an intention. It's not to go back and just earn more money so that we can spend more money and whatever Yeah, so definitely make things easier, more money always makes everything easier. But it's not with that it's with that collapsing time for our financial destination. Well, not even destination, but journey because there's no such thing as a destination, right? The goalposts are always going to move just like with any goal, your goal posts will always move. So I really wanted to share this because I know that for some of you out there going, I have to go back to work and I don't want to and I feel like if I go back to work that I'm failing my business, maybe I'm just I'm not cut out for this or whatever it might be. And all those thoughts have definitely popped into my head. But it's not about that. I want you to also reframe it and say, Well, if I do go back, I'm going with an intention. And what will that intention be? What will that money be used for? And how you will still make it work? Because I absolutely believe that you can have it all. I seriously do. You can have the career you can have the incredible business you can still raise the kids and you can still have the amazing experiences that you want in life, you shouldn't need to compromise on any of that. Right? It's just about finding the balance. So, yeah, I just wanted to share that with you today. And I hope that it resonates. And if you're going through the same thing, just to know that, all you need to do is just reframe it. And, yeah, it can be a big blessing, you know, everything happens for a reason I've definitely found that is everything happens for a reason. And it always works out in the end, even when you think your perception is that it's not working out, or things are getting harder, or it's just your perception, just remember that when you have complete certainty that things will always improve, they always do, they absolutely always do. And yeah, I'll leave you with that. It's a really short and sweet episode, but I really just wanted to share that. So that I guess it's a big part of my life at the moment, I'm going through that, you know, after a third baby, I'm like, Alright, let's, you know, go back to work part time, whilst I still grow this business, this business is my end goal, this part time job will work around my family and my business, which is amazing. I'm very, very blessed in that sense to you know, it's not going to be so full on and it's not full time. It's literally part time, and it's I pick my hours. So


    that's amazing. And if that's what it's going to take to help collapse time, then why not? You know, why not? We'll see what happens. And yeah, we'll see how it goes. So just think about that, you know, when you're having to make a decision, I know, sometimes it can really feel like you're derailing your business, or, you know, it's just things aren't working out the way but the way that they're supposed to, but just remember that you can choose to view things differently. Maybe you are in a position where you do need to pick up a job in order to grow your business, your business should be fun, making money should be fun serving and your business should be fun, the minute it's not fun, you show up differently. And people can feel that. So if having a part time job, or even a full time job, and if even that is going to make you feel less stressed, because you know, financial stresses, one of the biggest. So if that's going to make you feel less stressed, and it's going to make you feel more relaxed, and you're going to show up as not in a place of needing to sell or needing to make money in your business. That's the best way to operate. You know, you don't need the sale you are serving, it's not about needing It's about serving and sharing. And you'll show up differently when you look at it from that perspective. Rather than, you know, I need to make this money because I'm really struggling and I've got these bills to pay, you know, if if you are in that place of feeling that stress, then you are not failing. If you go and look for a part time gig, you know, if you go and look for something casually, just to help prop up and to take that stress away, maybe even it's to outsource some of the things that you don't want to be doing. Maybe it's alright, I'm gonna just take on this work casually or part time or whatever. And that's going to help pay for the cleaner. And that's going to help pay for the extra daycare. Because when you start to take things off your plate, and you start to use the extra money that you're earning intentionally on the things that make your life easier. Everything else becomes easier. It's literally how we look at it. If you look at things in two ways, I'll share one quick story. And this isn't even my story. But like anyway, for example, this just shows how much your perception can change your entire reality. So let's say that there was this lady and she was walking along the road on the footpath anyway. And the footpath had like a bit of broken concrete in it right? So where this lady she tripped, she fell over, she got up and she was pissed. She was pissed. She was so embarrassed. She didn't know if anyone had seen her. She was so angry at herself for not stepping over that broken bit of concrete. So I ruined her day. Her perception was How embarrassing. I just tripped over and people want to see me and I look like an idiot. And it just ruined her entire day. Because that's what she perceived Right? Right. Now let's say the same lady. She was walking down, down the footpath and she tripped on the concrete and she fell over and she got up and she brushed her knees off and she laughed. She laughed it off like oh my gosh, what an idiot. The people driving past would have thought that was a pisser let's just think of that. There's these two ladies exact same thing happened. One looks at it like that has just completely ruined my day. How embarrassing. I'm this I'm that. Whereas the other lady's like, Oh, how funny. That's like, you know people would have got a good laugh saying that and going on with a day and had a good day. There's always different ways to perceive things, you get to choose whether you let it ruin your day or, and in this instance, like, with taking on a part time job or casual job, you get to choose whether that is going to derail you from your business dreams or not, it's a choice, it literally could be like, for my instance, collapsing the time, because extra money is extra money. And when that money is used with intention, it can definitely collapse the time a lot faster.


    And it means you know, there's no pressure for me to make money, which in my business, which there hasn't been so, and I love showing up like this. And because there is no pressure to make money, and I don't have to make money in my business. It's fun, and I love it, and I enjoy it. And I've made more money because of it. Whereas showing up when you need it, or, you know, in the instance of like, the lady that fell over and ruin a whole day, you could look at it, like oh, I need to go get a new job, I'm a failure, I'm this, I'm that and it's going to ruin your perspective of what's happening. Whereas if you go, you know what, it's going to be extra money, then I'll be able to outsource this, or I'll be able to get some that hire someone to help me do my website or help me with this system, or whatever it might be. But it's going to exponentially grow your business, which is going to have such a big flow on effect on the amount of money that you create. So therefore, that that job that's our job is, is helping you in his helping collapse the time, in your achievements in your business, not just in your personal life. So anyway, I know I'm starting to ramble. But I really hope that this helps someone out there who might be in this bit of a dilemma at the moment and feeling like a bit stuck or a bit shitty that they might have to go back and get another job or, you know, it's not working. And because it really is something that is put everywhere, you know, and full time in my business, I'm you know, and that's amazing. That's definitely the goal, don't get me wrong, I find that inspiring, and it's the goal. But at the same time, my bigger goal in life than just being full time in my business is having our financial reality exponentially grow, right? I want that endless freedom, that endless opportunities and choice and opportunities for my family. This is not just about me, it's far bigger than me. It's for my family, you know, I said to Mick, I'll retire you one day, that's my goal is to retire him so he can spend more time at home and he can be around the kids. And you know, our kids haven't even started school yet. They're all still very little. But, you know, one day he'll be able to go and do the drop offs and the pickups and stuff. Whereas, you know, if you say is working in construction, then that's not going to happen. So, you know, but obviously, you get very lucky at the same time that I still get so much flexibility and so much freedom, given, I had already made a name for myself at work. And so they literally work around me, which is incredible. So for me, it feels like yeah, my work and my business, it revolves around my life and my family, just how I always wanted it to. And it's going to grow everything so fast. Wealth, opportunities, freedom, quality, time together, the experiences that we'll get, you know, there's so much more. And one of the biggest things is the amount of women that it gets to impact your business gets to impact and then the flow on effect from that, you know, everybody even here listening to me ramble on, I appreciate you so much. And I get to do this because, you know, I have the money to set up the podcast and all this sort of stuff and all the website and everything that you can see and hear and experience from me. Almost all of it cost money to do so. I'm very grateful that you're here. And I hope that you take away something, at least one thing from every episode that listen to me ramble. And that it helps you help you know make those little 1% moves and just reframe the situation. All right. Before I continue going on, all links are in my show notes, and I will catch you in the next episode.


    Thanks for listening to this week's episode. I hope you enjoyed it and if so, please subscribe to the podcast and join our mailing list at money mindset hub.com. Until next time, remember, everything you desire and deserve is just on the other side of your own resistance. So take that next step.


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