37. Why your fears are the catalyst of your greatest achievements.

In this episode we chat about how our logical minds can run the show even though our fears are inevitably trying to help guide us into the freedom that comes from stepping into the unknown.

Yes it is scary, getting out of your comfort zone is uncomfortable but this is when the true expansion happens.

We are habitual beings but we are also energetic beings and we need to ensure we keep updating that energetic software and the software of our minds to be able to a

Repetitive thoughts (aka the limiting beliefs) run on auto pilot until we consciously choose to change them and that is when we begin to unlock our potential.

We also discuss how and why our perceptions can be vastly different of events and their meanings than the actual truth, often these meanings create the limiting beliefs.

This one is a juicy one with so many real experiences that I know you will relate too.

If you desire your life to change but you are making decisions based off of your past experiences and using those to predict your future, then that is a never-ending cycle. This episode will help you shift that and be present in the very now, the very moment when everything changes.

You can do hard things, this podcast episode I hope will help you to realise that and then empower you to feel the fear and move any way to become your fullest expression and share your voice, your gifts, your light with the world.





38. Productivity hacks for busy studying mumpreneurs


36. I got hacked! Plus BTS of CEO Mumlife