76. Quantum Leap to 14k Months with a Maverick Entrepreneur, Audrey Fitzgerald

This episode is a beautiful conversation between Carla and of her dear clients about her extraordinary journey to 14k months within 6 months. Audrey Fitzgerald is a successful self-publisher and investor. Audrey shares her journey from being a yoga teacher and health coach to self-publishing a successful book for seniors and achieving her dream of earning passive income.

The pair discuss the importance of shifting money beliefs, the power of coaching, delegating, and the impact of quantum energetics towards achieving financial success. Tune in to hear Audrey's inspiring story and practical tips on creating wealth through passion and purpose.

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  •  Welcome back to another episode of the Money Mindset Hub podcast. I'm your host, Carla Townsend, and I'm a Money Mindset and Success Coach for female entrepreneurs. And today I have one of my beautiful clients, Audrey Fitzgerald, which is actually not her real name, but it's her pen name, but she loves to be one of those secret, silent, successful publishers out in the world.

    So Audrey, I've got to get used to saying Audrey. So Audrey is currently a self publisher and an investor. She was formerly a yoga teacher, a personal chef and a health and wellness coach, her favorite client has always been her mom who is fit and healthy at 81 years old, and she still plays ping pong every day, which leads into.

    One of her most recent books. Well, now there's two, but we'll talk about the one that came out a few months ago, which is when everything just blew up. She actually wrote a self published a book called the quick and simple chair yoga for seniors over 60.

    It's a fully illustrated guide to seated poses and cardio exercises for weight loss and mobility to maintain your independence in under 10 minutes a day. Wow. First off, that book blew up. So in the last seven months of working together, she published that book, but then she's actually also just literally just hit publish on her second book, her second book in seven months.

    Honestly, Audrey. I have watched your success over this time. It really wasn't that long ago when we go back, seven months or so. And it was, okay, it's done, it's gone. And then it was like, I just want to get a hundred reviews on it. And next minute it's.

    Multiplied, multiplied, multiplied, multiplied, and then the passive income's coming in and all of a sudden, it's all your dreams, everything you had visualized had come to fruition. So I'm going to hand it to you and you can give your own little introduction and then we'll talk about your journey.

    Yeah, thank you so much. What a beautiful intro. Yeah I've been working on my publishing business quite recently, actually I started last year, it takes a while to actually put the book together, but I did, I hit publish in March and it's just been an amazing journey.

    It's actually something I got into. Over 10 years ago, I published a book, but I really didn't know what I was doing. And last year I took a course and it kind of helped me get on track to do it in a much more successful way. And also this year I really committed to learning a lot about self development, which has been a big hobby of mine for many years, but this year I really dived into mindset and started actually working with Carla in March, very shortly after I published the first book. I believe it was just a few days after. And then the next month it really just started skyrocketing. And I do truly believe that Mindset is something that helped me so much and also all the action that I took.

    So I just feel like my formula is mindset plus action got me to where I am today. It absolutely did. So let's go back and sort of set the stage because I mean, there has been so much that has happened since March. So you've been an entrepreneur for 10 years now, but you've done so many different things. So do you sort of want to set the stages to, you know, back in March when you just hit publish on this book and this was always your dream. It was always your dream to hit passive revenue, 10 K passive revenue every single month being self published. That was your goal.

    But when we first met you actually running other businesses. So do you want to talk about that? Yeah, so when we first met, I had a car rental business, I was also running a vacation rental business for my family.

    And I've done so many other things over the years, but that's where I was at the beginning of this year. And I remember just really wanting to find Like an online business, like something I could do kind of on my own self employed and really create passive income.

    And I'd been a real estate investor actually with my brother for many years. And we successfully created some passive income with that, but it never really got to the levels we wanted it to. And so I just really felt like. Online business is going to do it for me. And it was so interesting how I sort of came back around to publishing something that I had tried 10 years ago.

    And I stumbled upon this course and just really found that as I was listening to them talk about it, I was like, this checks all the boxes of everything I've been trying to create for myself. And so it took me about eight months from when I started the course until I wrote my first.

    Book in this niche. And during that time I was running my car rental business and running my vacation rental business. And I was really feeling like it was time for a change. It was time to move on. and I was just like, wow, this publishing thing I'm building up right now could really be my ticket out.

    And so then I slowly started to visualize the publishing business taking over the car rental business, or replacing it, I should say. And actually the work I did with sacred money archetypes that Carla introduced me to was just so profound, in just understanding myself and my personality and business.

    my number one is maverick and I can be very like big, bold swings. And so I really wanted to kind of ditch my carnal business, like even with the very first dollar I made publishing and it was cool. I got to kind of work with. my impulse and sort of like hold off for a bit and wait for the money to start coming in a little more regularly.

    And then I actually got to this place where it just felt really right, like the right thing to do on a soul level. And I was just like, okay, this is it. I'm letting go of the car rental business and I did it. And yeah, ever since then, it's just been amazing.

    I've been like Carla said, I hit a 10 K in August.

     My big goal was 10 K and I hit it August 24th, which happened to be my mom's birthday and there was still a whole other week left in the month, so I ended up with basically a $14,000 month, which was just like, wow, I was shooting for 10, 000 and I ended with a 14, 000 month and it was like a big quantum leap Before that with my car rental business at $4,700, it was like the most I ever made.

    So yeah, it's been phenomenal. Yeah. To go from that, a couple of grand a month to literally adding nearly 10 grand on top of that passive, by the way. I want to sort of demystify passive there too, because there's still work behind the scenes that you were doing.

    It's not like you've just published the book and you've let it go. you are marketing, you are promoting, there are so many different moving parts that you're actually doing. I think a lot of the time people want passive income to set and forget and never touch it again. But even in publishing world, it doesn't necessarily work like that.

    Maybe sure it might at a certain point when other people are doing it for you and you're not having to at all. But for. For the most part of it, passive income, there is still action that you are taking. So first off, I just want to celebrate you because I remember that so clearly.

      📍 I remember you getting close to that $10,000 and saying to you, take the money off the pedestal. And so you started to do that. You're like, okay. What's the next goal? You started visualizing 50, just take that 10 K off the pedestal. Like it's normal and embodying that you are the sort of person that earns five figure months. That's normal. It's not a big deal and calming your nervous system to be able to then handle that kind of money.

    And there is a difference In being able to create money, receive money, and then actually hold it and holding it is to embody that wealthy woman version of you. That's the norm. And so when that was coming close and you still had that week to go, that was where that work really needed to go deep. Don't freak out. And let's just go beyond that. What if it was even more like elevate your standards and keep visualizing what's the next thing and not to not be appreciative of the $10,000. Like that was your dream. That was your dream and you hit it.

    But you don't want to self sabotage yourself then because you're going, Oh my God, that's like more than twice as much as I'm used to making. Calm down, Audrey, let's go to the next thing. And then you ended up with just shy of $14,000 a month.

      And I believe it's because you did that you were like, okay, this is normal.

    I'm going to appreciate this. I'm going to embody this version of myself. This is my normal karma, my nervous system, do the energetic work. And then also just

     take that money off the pedestal because otherwise it creates that separation between us and the goal between us and the money that we, we truly desire because more money creates such a beautiful life for you and everyone around you.

    And. Seeing you do that and then what you ended up making, it was, it was inevitable. It was inevitable because I could actually see you doing the work. I honestly, I say this to you all the time, but you are the queen of action taking. I know that every single time we had a call and I suggested something or we refrained something, or, you know, there was an affirmation that I heard you say.

    And I was like, write that down. That's your new affirmation. Declare that or whatever it was, any point you would always, always, every single time you did the work, everything that I ever suggested, you did it and you got back to me like it was homework in your eyes, you'd rewatch the calls, you'd go and do it.

    And then it was just like, of course, it's going to work out for you because you're not just learning and absorbing, you're actually integrating it. You are actually doing it. There's such a big, big difference. And

      📍 I think that's why a lot of people don't get to the results that they want to quickly and learn how to quantum leap because they're more absorbing and learning, but never actually integrating and implementing and taking the guidance. And I know I've been guilty of that too, right? I've been guilty of that for sure. And then I look back and I'm like, Oh, well, no wonder, like no wonder.

    They just felt like you're on a little bit of a hamster wheel. It's because you were learning, learning, learning. But you had a belief system that wasn't supporting you to take action. So I really want to applaud you for that because you've done so much work on your belief system. And it's no surprise to me that you have gotten where you are because we could see at the beginning.  So my next question, tell us about your story for the book. Why did you choose chair yoga for seniors over 60? It might be pretty obvious, but what made you go down that path?

    So there was kind of two things at play there. So from the first time that I started to publish 10 years ago, it was all about like writing about the things I'm passionate about. And at the time it was healthy food and I'm still super into healthy food, but at the time I kind of made a cookbook and I just felt like writing about it and after kind of learning more about the publishing industry and how it works, I realized that I needed to find something that I'm passionate about but also has demand in the market, like basic business skills. Right. And so then I started to kind of like hunt around and I actually landed on chair yoga, which I used to be a yoga teacher. So I was just like, Hey, this is great something I'm interested in and a lot of people want it.

    And so then, part of my course was to like learn to niche down even further. And I was like, I wonder, what else I could find. and I started hunting around and I saw a lot of demand for the senior market, senior fitness. And when I came upon that, I just felt this like amazing feeling in my soul because.

    It just so happens that the last few years I have just been like so involved with my mom's life. She's just this like active senior and I've actually really started teaching her yoga like 20 years ago and helping her with healthy food and stuff. But in the last, I don't know, five to 10 years, I've been very kind of involved in her life and Just helping her along in her golden years and so when I kind of stumbled upon that topic I was like, yes, this would be so amazing to write about and like I can really come from the story That is just so near and dear to my heart and so, Yeah, I went I went down that path.

    I wrote this book and it was so cool because I could just really tell the story of my journey and my mom's journey together and just how cool it's been to kind of watch her become a senior in such a fit, healthy, vibrant way, and it's interesting because my book is Quick and Simple Cherry Yoga for Seniors over 60, and literally, she's quite a bit older than me, she had me when she was 36, so when I was in my early 20s, she was just entering the 60s, and I actually taught her yoga then, when I was learning it for myself.

    And so just watching her over the last 20 years, just keep herself in such good shape and it's interesting because I wouldn't call her like a health nut or anything, but it's just sort of like I planted some seeds, you know, just like teaching her the yoga and healthy food.

    And then lately I've been really involved with keeping her on track with good food and exercises and stuff. And yeah, so it's just been this really cool journey of how that unfolded. And I got to just tell this very heartwarming story out of my own life because of it. And then come up with these amazing exercises.

    And my second book is very related to the first. And so since then it's been really fun because. My mom's sort of my guinea pig, you know, I'll go over and I'll do little like yoga poses with her and I'll ask her how she feels, you know, during each one after each one and she kind of tell me and I can like look at her and see how she's doing with each one and just make sure it's appropriate for a senior and she's just been doing so well with it. I think it's such a beautiful journey, and I also think it highlights the fact that. You were connected to what you were doing. It wasn't that you just saw that it was a profitable area to write a book, you actually had that connection.

    You used to be a yoga teacher. Your mom is a senior. You were teaching her. So at the end of the day, she's your ideal client. And so when you're riding from that place of having a heartfelt connection and the thing was, yes, of course at the end of the day, the goal was always to create this passive income because it not only supports you.

    In living such a wealthy woman life but it also is supporting your mom. It's supporting your family. It's supporting your community in the success that you've had. And you're such a generous person your success has now made you be able to be more generous.

    And I know that's one of the key things that a lot of people sort of struggle with is this deep down rooted belief that, but what if money changes me? What if people treat me differently? What are your thoughts when you hear those beliefs? Because, you know, we know that they've come up. Yeah. So I've been on quite a journey with that actually. And it's so funny, as I said

     I've been so into self development for years and years and years, but just in the last couple of years, I've really dived into what is my relationship with money?

    What is my energy with money? And I started reading books that really showed me that I did have a lot of like money blocks that I didn't really realize were there. And for me, one of the biggest ones was money is the root of all evil kind of thinking, but it was kind of funny that it didn't come to me so much from like religion or anything like that, it was actually like Hollywood, growing up with these movies that kind of portray, the rich jerk and the underdog is the poor hero that has to like overcome the rich jerk.

    I'm realizing that so much of my worldview came from that because I grew up loving movies and TV shows and it was like a big source of entertainment for me and my brother. It's just so interesting how so much of that idea is portrayed into the world. And so as I began my journey a couple years ago of like shifting my beliefs around money and my relationship with money, I really had to kind of look at that and turn it around. And yeah, as you said, I can be Not only just as generous and kind of a person and compassionate of a person, but even more so with the money.

    Right. And so I love this website called good news network and so one of the things I would do is look up very wealthy people making large donations and like changing the world.

    And, so for me, it was about showing my brain that this is a real thing. And then just like looking for examples in my life with people that are like wealthy and kind and good people. And so that's been amazing. And, yeah, just really working on that and a lot of journaling, of shifting within myself, what I think of myself as I start to make more money and what I think of myself as this wealthy woman I'm becoming and it's cool to kind of play with like, wow, like how much I can donate now when I hit that number and then that number and like you said, it's not just the donation it's more time with my mom. It's more time, helping people that I love.

     I even think about like voting with my dollar, being able to make like large person purchases towards products that I believe in, companies that I believe in, things like that. And yeah, it feels really good and it just makes me so happy that I'm. Doing this all, and will continue to be able to do this all through writing these books that help people. So it's like helping people with my books and I'm getting very well. Compensated for it. And then I can take that money and go do all these other good things.

    That's been a big one for me. Yeah. And I think the key thing there is your being of service to others. You are helping others. You are giving back, you are paying it forward through your work. That then has allowed you to pay it forward even more through donations, through being there, quality time, all of that. But I think that it's such a taboo thing, you know, and

      📍 a lot of people have such a deep emotional relationship with money and they don't realize. And I think that the point where you start to realize, hang on a sec, what's going on here?

    How am I living my life? Why do I keep ending up in the same position? Why is it this rollercoaster? This friction kind of relationship with money? When truly money is something that everyone wants more of. Now, whether you would admit that out loud or to your circle is a whole other thing, but everyone wants more money.

    Absolutely. Because with more money becomes more opportunity, more choices, the more that you can give, the more time that you'll have and essentially the more freedom overall. I truly believe that it is freedom that everyone is searching for and freedom has a different definition for all of us and money can provide you with that.

     So it's so important, so important. And so I know that we do a lot of the same things, which is very cool. But I just want to know, can you tell everyone what would be the top three energetic type practices that you do that you believe have been able to really shift your relationship with money?

    Yeah. Thanks for asking that. That's actually one of my favorite things to talk about these days. And it's hard to pick three. I've literally got a list of like 50, but I would say my number one would be like success stories and specifically in my industry. So, for the listeners out there, whatever industry you want to go into, I would highly suggest looking for things in your industry.

    And yeah, opening up the portal of like the proof that you're looking into, for me, it was like, wow, look at These numbers people are hitting in my industry of publishing, within my group and even other places I've been able to kind of find these cool success stories.

    I would go on to like the Facebook group and look for people who had posted screenshots of like how well they had done. and it's interesting because not everyone does that. Like a lot of people do well, and then they move on. And so the ones who did do that, I was so grateful for, and now that I'm kind of hitting those levels, I've been posting in the group as well, because I want to kind of.

    Encourage the newbies. And yeah, so I just feel like that was humongous, just really getting my mind to open up to the possibilities, first of all, and then this might be an offshoot of that could be the same answer, but a little bit different. They give out awards in my course, and I found a picture of somebody's 10k award, and I took a screenshot and I photoshopped my name into it, and then I put it on my phone as my screensaver for literally like a year and a half, and literally until I got the same award. And how many times do you look at your phone every day? Like, so many, right? So every time I'm picking it up.

    I'm seeing that. My brain you know, as Carla likes to say, reticular activating system is like seeing that. And then I actually also found the very biggest screenshot I could possibly find was this guy who had hit six figures in one month. In December, like Q4 is really big in the publishing world.

    And so December he hit over 121k in one month. So I printed that out. I put it on my fridge. I put it on my laptop screensaver. I put it on my tablet. And it's just like looking at it, looking at it, looking at it. And it's funny. It's like, even though, you know, I'm not there yet. I truly believe that helped me get to where I did get to.

    And then, other than that I would say Future scripting is, has been big for me. So like, I've been a big journal person ever since I was a little girl. But recently, I've been journaling every day. And then ever since I've been on this journey of like, money mindset, manifestation, quantum I've been integrating all these little practices throughout my day.

    And so now when I journal, I will spend, maybe 15 minutes, kind of talking about my day and how I feel about things or whatever, processing things I need to work through. And then I'll take the next page, maybe another 10 to 15 minutes, and I will just Write out how I feel about future me and living my future life and and it just feels so good.

    I feel like so connected to the future version of me living that life and feeling the feelings and I'm just really trying to write the way that I would normally write about my day and and then another trick I've been playing with is as I write the future scripting I start to talk about like, Oh, I had a conversation with so and so about this.

    And so it's interesting. It kind of brings like. This imaginary conversation into the picture and it feels more like, I don't know, vibrant somehow and more real. So that's been huge. And since the first two answers were similar, I'm going to do another one. A future letter to myself, a letter from my future self to my current self.

    And I, I listened, I did that every morning and every night for 30 days and I loved it so much that I still listen to it every morning. I love that. It is so profound and I too have done the same thing. Actually, I've done all of what you've mentioned. No surprise there. That, okay, first off, I was writing down as you were talking, because obviously we could talk for ages. So first of all You were acclimatizing your mind to see what is normal and you were normalizing those big figures by seeing success stories because I think first off, there's one piece that plays into that before you can actually do that.

    It's about being really specific about what you're allowing your mind to consume. So when you touched on the news, you know that I'm the same. I don't watch the news. We don't have the news on. The only time we'd ever catch a glimpse is if it just happens to pop up on the radio and then I change it.

    Because no offense to the news, but it's just so disempowering listening to those stories. And that's not what I want my mind to be consumed with. And I know you're the same. So I feel like that's always the first step in starting to shift the way that you think is start to observe. What are you filling your mind with?

    What are you listening to? What podcasts are you listening to? Are you watching the news? What shows are you watching? All of it, everything. How does it really make you feel? Because without you realizing, and you know, you mentioned the movies and things as well. We all love a good movie. We all love a good comedy, but absolutely this theme of the rich are greedy.

    The rich is always the villains. It plays out. Now, when you don't realize that. Well, you don't realize how much that's actually affecting your subconscious and your belief systems because it's starting to portray a story in your mind from when we're very, very little, right? Until we realize, Oh, hang on a sec.

    I don't want to believe that. So I think, yeah, first off, that is the first step in anything is always just be really aware of what are you consuming? And start to be very specific about what you allow yourself to consume. And that then plays into look at the success stories. I remember, back in the day, looking at someone and she'd earned 20, 000 in a month.

    My mind was blown. I thought, what the hell? How do you even get that? That is wild. And now I see 100, 000 a month, 150, 000 a month. I've even seen a million in a month. And I've worked with people who have earned those figures in a month and it's normal to me now. I'm like, that is amazing.

    I see it as that's cool. If she can do it, I can do it. And that's what you were doing to your reticular activating system. Yes. In your mind, when you are starting to familiarize yourself with the wins and the money and the success that is actually out there, and it is able to be obtained because it is obtained by so many people.

    And the moment you start to open that gate. It's like the fog lights are open next minute. You're just seeing all of it, all of it, all of it. And then you start to train your brain to look for that. Then you start to train your brain to begin to act like someone who would get that. that's when you really got to, I think, go deep into what are your beliefs though, because we can change our habits and things like that.

    And that's wonderful. But self sabotages will always come up unless we're actually looking at, well, who are we though? Who do I really think I am underneath it all? And that's where a really great place for journaling comes in. I love journaling too for shifting through my beliefs and there's obviously specific ways that I've shared with you that I do it.

    If there's something that it just feels energetically, really heavy. How I shifted through journaling, but then I think that future scripting is so important that writing a letter to yourself. It's so important because it changes everything and it allows your mind to wander and to begin with, to play with the possibilities, because I feel like we all have dreams on our heart.

     We all have these dreams and we've had them since we were a little. And as we go along in life, they either get squashed or they change and evolve as we change and evolve.

    I know, when I was a child, there are certain key themes and elements that I can say, and maybe you can too, there are certain key elements. That really drew out your creativity and there were certain things that you always wanted to be or to bring to fruition or just what you saw for yourself.

    And I'm going to tell you what I always saw and then I want to know what did you see? What did you see with the way you live now or what you're working towards? Do you notice things from when you were a kid? So I know for me, I wanted to be like the next Britney Spears, right? So I always wanted fame now, not so much.

    I like my privacy too. But I always wanted recognition and to be known and to serve others. And music's always been dear to my heart. That's one of the ways that I shift my energies, always get into music. But they were the biggest themes for me was I knew I always wanted to be known. I always knew I wanted to be heard.

    I'm a loud introvert. But I always wanted to serve others and help others. I didn't know how, but then as a kid, I used to always pretend to be the teacher and I feel like I always had this way of seeing things that others couldn't see. But I always had this big vision of seeing myself speaking to many people, teaching many people, serving them, helping them because I'm such an empath and I care so deeply. But then I always saw it with being a very wealthy woman as well. Isn't that funny?  

    So they're the themes that I have seen. I've always visioned. And what about you? Did you, do you notice any themes now from when you were younger to what you're living out or what you're still going for? I wasn't very clear when I was younger about like what I Wanted to do. I was very, I was very in the moment and then In my teens, I just loved to cook so much and actually my dad was a pastry chef and so I have the culinary in my genes. And so in my pre teens and teens I spent a lot of time in the kitchen just kind of making recipes I found in the newspaper and, then kind of creating things on my own and so I ended up going to cooking school right after high school because I was just like, that sounds fun. And so yeah, my whole life I've been very like, do whatever I want and do whatever sounds fun to me. And so I've been very Kind of on this journey of like following my bliss in a way and I think only because I had these money blocks, were those things not very lucrative?

    I actually started a bunch of businesses when I was in my early twenties. I got a gig as a personal chef and then I started doing catering when I was like 22.

    I had no idea what I was doing, but I've always just been like. Jump in and figure it out as I go along kind of person. I guess there's always been in a way wanting to serve, like similar to what you were saying, but yeah, just kind of doing the things that felt fun to me or I had passion for, and at the time was cooking later on, I got into yoga teaching and then I started doing like this traveling wellness coach kind of situation where I would just go into people's homes and stay with them and teach them yoga and teach them healthy eating and just sort of like be a really good influence roommate for a few weeks and then leave them with what I've taught them. There's always been this sort of like entrepreneur spirit in there, the maverick and a lot of ideas that would come through and I would just act on my ideas.

    And now that I've kind of come to this different place with like money mindset and money beliefs and my relationship with money, it's so cool because I can kind of. channel that like passionate part of me, you know, into this way that is creating wealth and passive income and all the other things I've been dreaming about.

    It's definitely been a fascinating journey. And when I asked you that question, In my head, I already knew what we were going to say, because having got to know you really well, the theme that I see that would have played out from when you were little, all through your life, is multi passionate maverick, someone that always had entrepreneurial spirit.

    That was always going to work for yourself and you were always going to end up successful, but it just looked different throughout your life. So it's not that you necessarily as a little kid were like, I always see myself with lots of money like me, but I'm an accumulator. So that makes sense, right? I always saw that. I was like, I'm going to end up with lots. Money, like I'm going to be very wealthy woman and well known because of my work and serving others. I knew that, but I didn't think I'd end up teaching on money. That's funny. But I think that that's your thing. And you've always said you're always been a hippie at heart, but it's so beautiful to say.

    You're a multi passionate Maverick, a hippie at heart, fun loving, caring. You were always going to serve others, but no matter what you did and no matter how much money you made, I think you were more looking for whatever lit you up. You were just following that. And that was your thing. I think that you would have known when you were little, that I'm just going to be, I'm going to be so happy, whatever I will be doing.

    I know I'll be happy. I'll be happy doing it because it's making a difference. And it's been cool to watch it unfold. Next question, because I think this would be a good one to talk about. What is the top money book that you have read? I would say, I would say you are a badass at making money by Jen Sincero. It's, I discovered it in 2020 and it sort of came into my life. Right when I was ready for it as, as, yeah, as, as it were.

    And and I ended up reading it three times and doing all the exercises, over and over again. And, and I already felt like these like amazing shifts in my life, just from like reading the book and shifting my mindset and then I ended up doing a group coaching with her at the beginning of this year, and I had never done really any kind of coaching before, yeah I had never really been coached before, and so that was an interesting kickoff to my journey of how wild this year has been.

    But yeah, that book really did a lot for me. And it's interesting, the other day I actually kind of flipped through it and was like, Oh, I don't feel drawn to kind of read it again. Well, that's how we met. Yeah. Yeah, that's how we met. I got to talk to her one on one in one call and she she told me, your thing is wealth consciousness and like money mindset and you really should just go get a coach. And I was like, Oh, and you know, she doesn't do one on one anymore.

    And so I was just like looking around online and And I had heard your podcast before and I kind of like stumbled upon you and like the website. And and I looked at your programs and I was like, this feels good. And actually the program that I did, it was a month accelerator.

    And it felt like just the right amount of, like, stretch not too much, not too little, right? Like, it, it felt like it pushed me in just the right way, and it felt really good, and I felt very, just... focused and laser focused throughout the whole month.

    And yeah, this is really good. So yeah, that's how we met. And, and yeah, she really, she really talks a lot about coaching, which, just wasn't even a thing for me before that, like, I I guess I always kind of looked at. People who got coached as like a level outside of me or where I'm at, you know, like I just looked at coaching as this sort of like luxury thing, I guess, maybe for business people, like really serious business people, not just like, hippie entrepreneurs like me and and so she, you know, every time I read the book, it was like coaching, coaching, coaching.

    And I kept, kind of warming myself up to the idea. And then when she actually told me face to face to get one, it was just like, boom, it clicked. And the other thing she really talks about is delegating. And so those two things, the coaching and the delegating, there are two things I really implemented this year that I feel like.

    skyrocketed me in such a way that had never happened before. And the delegating is something I had dabbled in before way back from reading another book 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Paris way back then. And he talks about passive income and, and I just remember being like, oh yeah, that's cool.

    And, oh, and then I will have to add to the mix. I think one of my first Was a rich dad, poor dad. It was all about the, the real estate and the passive income. And he doesn't really use the word delegating, but it's like, build your power team and, get the smart people who know how to do this, this, this.

    And so it's so interesting how it culminates. And this year I was so dedicated. to creating a life where I delegated as much as I could. I got as much, you know, like coaching, learning, mentorship as I could. And then it just really culminated in just skyrocketing.

    And I truly believe like those two pieces are so profound. And I just don't think get enough play, especially the delegating, because, you know, the coaching kind of, in a way, kind of makes more sense once you get over the initial shock of it. Like, you're like, okay, this is something I need to spend on.

    And then delegating seems a little more indirect, but I truly believe it's like just as powerful and potent. But yeah, those two things just. Change my life. I couldn't agree more with you. The coaching and the delegating and I think with coaching, I too had the same sort of experience when I got my first coach, it was like, Oh my God, who do I think I am?

    I am paying a private coach, but I knew it was time. And like you, it had been something that I'd been getting more familiar with. When you read enough success stories and you realize that one of the success strategies is always having a coaches have coaches. All the successful people that I'd ever come across that really had the level of success and wealth and freedom that I admired in them, they always had a coach because they see things that you don't see.

    And I love that Jen Sincero was. It's very much like get one, get a coach and delegate. And I remember I've read her book. I've read all those books that you've mentioned and I love them all. They have so much gold in them. And I think it was one of the most beautiful compliments that anyone's ever said to me was you're very similar to Jen Sincero, the way that you speak, the way that you think about money.

    I was like, Oh my God, she's one of my favorite authors. So I love that, but I love her no bullshit approach. And then I was like, Oh yeah, that, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. And I was in her group program at the time, so I really didn't want. Someone just started telling me stuff that was totally opposite of what she was saying, you know?

    And so when I listened to you, I was like, Oh yeah, this is perfect. Right in line. I know. Thank God that I started the podcast. So here's a little nudge to anyone sitting on a podcast. Just do it because you know, if I didn't start this, I wouldn't have had any of my clients, especially my private clients.

     You all came from listening to me on the podcast and that's where you get to know everyone. So yeah, it's beautiful. Just to quickly reflect back to you, but the transformation that I've seen in you over the last seven months has been profound. It's been profound and not just in the sense of how much money you've managed to generate and smash your goal. And I know you're going to continue smashing it now that you've just published book number two, which obviously we're going to link in the show notes.

    Please go and buy them and support her and get it for a gift. If you've got parents or grandparents who are seniors. They need it. This movement is so important. My grandpa is late seventies and he always goes by the Arnold Schwarzenegger saying a moving body keeps moving.

    He is one of the fittest guys in his late seventies you will ever meet. He still does pushups and chin ups. And walks every single day. And that's why, honestly, I think your books are so important because so much linked to your physical health, your mental health, all of it.

     I think it's beautiful that you're also encouraging the seniors to get back and do that. So other than that, I think that the person you have become like this, you're like this flower that's just bloomed. You've truly bloomed and you always knew where you were going and you never stopped and you never gave up on yourself I say this all the time, but you took the chance on you.

    And only you can, and look what happens when you do. And I know it's so scary. It's so scary to invest in yourself. It's so scary to do something different when you don't have that in your circle. You start to find those circles and yourself and myself as well, like our relationships have changed as we've gone on this path.

    And I think that's one of the scary things for a lot of people is they don't want to become, unrelatable to their close circle to outgrow people, but I think it's truly it's a part of the journey. And as you step away. And as you find your people, you continue to find them. And this is when synchronicities come about, and this is when beautiful connections come about.

    And this is when you can go and make a big impact in this life and leave your legacy. And I've witnessed that I've witnessed you do that exactly that. And even when it's been hard, like it's been hard, but you're so committed to your vision. And I just can't wait to keep watching it unfold because you're incredible.

    And I believe in you. I believe that you are going to hit those 150 K months. I have no doubt you will. It's just a matter of time. Yeah, I just want to share that, like, it was such an interesting kind of journey I was so interested in self development for so many years, and I actually had been introduced to, law of attraction and manifestation many years ago and only recently, kind of picking up books like Jen's and some other ones kind of similar, did it really start to sink in that I needed to get so much more clear about it.

    I needed to really like work on my money beliefs and I really needed to get kind of hardcore about it. And so I just really believe like that's such a huge part of what has shifted for me. And then too, like I've also been able to kind of take what I know about manifestation to another level with quantum energetics, which I had kind of heard about before, but like only this year, did it really click in?

    And I was actually doing Carla's money methodology and like heard her say something and it just was like, I need to know all about, I just got this like ping, I need to know all about this, I need to just like immerse, and I did, I learned all I could about it, and, it really took it to another place for me from what I understood about manifestation before, because it is very similar in a lot of ways, but it just uses like a different language, And different practices and goes more into like embodiment and really being that, person that you're bringing in versus just visualizing it from where you are really stepping into that energy so that's what really shifted for me also.

    I'll hear a concept, and I'll just start to embody it, like, Carla and I have been talking a lot about time collapse, which is a big quantum thing, and, literally, as soon as I became aware of it, it was, like, I need to know how to do that.

    And it's just been like boom, boom, boom. And I started looking at like examples in my life and now it just feels like all the time that's happening. And it's just crazy, like from one success to another and quantum leaps and collapsing time. And so anyway, that's just been such a fantastic journey.

    Just a few years ago, I was already sort of finding myself. Wanting to be very like deliberate and intentional about who I wanted to be around and so I was feeling that shift already, weirdly like right before the pandemic. I was almost getting this like intuitive hit that something was coming and I just became a very introverted sort of introspective person and like sort of started to like live my life in a very different way like very shortly before that maybe a month or two.

    And then I just got really intentional about who do I want to be around and everything. And anyway, so it, it has been like this year, it's actually kind of that's sort of concentrated into like, wow, that is true what they talk about, but yeah, I think it just boils down to being intentional and getting clear about what you want in your life and yeah, just, just really creating the life that you love and in all areas.

    And so I've pretty much started doing like social media fasts and kind of taking myself out of like big social things, not even going to like big parties and things, and just yeah, just putting myself in a very different space where I could just, again, like I said, stay laser focused and then it was really fun because.

    As I kind of learned more about the publishing industry, I was like, wow, pen names are really a thing. Like this is what people do in this industry, you know, Mark Twain J. K. Rowling S. C. Hinton and sometimes it was protecting the gender, you know, even in the music industry, like pink Madonna, just like you come up with this persona and it's different. And so, as I kind of learned more about that, I was like, that feels really good to just kind of have this persona, like, almost like an alter ego, and lean into that as I'm writing these books, and then... Also, I also mentioned before the interview that it feels kind of cool.

    Like all these things I've done in my life. And then now it's like, I'm writing these books and helping people with my books and I don't feel the need to take any credit for it. I'm just doing it behind the scenes and I read the reviews, people are like, you know, this book helped me so much.

    And not just seniors, people who have limited mobility, people who have handicaps or whatever. And it's just like, so heartwarming. And, and I truly feel like I need no credit for it. And it's kind of interesting. It's like the success without fame, like secret success. Yeah. So yeah, I've just been loving that.

    And it kind of just goes with where my personality has gone now and it feels really good. I loved all of that. We were talking about that literally before we hit record was around the alter ego and how you decided around having a pen name, Audrey Fitzgerald, rather than using your real name.

    And it makes sense. I think that your privacy is so important. And I think that. That is that boundary that you've set and not only have you set that boundary, but then you've also I've watched you go through relationships and move away and set the boundaries and it's not an easy thing to do.

    And you become the average of the five people you spend the most amount of time with you absolutely do. And if they're Debbie Downers, no offense to any Debbie out there,

      📍 but if they are people that are just constantly negative and they have that negative energy around you, it rubs off on you and it rubs off on your subconscious and it affects your belief system because you really, really do become the average of the people you spend the most time with unless you actively can observe that, right?

    Become the neutral observer of yourself, always first step in anything. You must be aware of what is going on. And when you can be aware of yourself and your energy, and when you're around certain people, you leave and you feel a certain way. That is your sign and I mean, we do talk about energetics a lot and I love that you spoke about that quantum manifestation because as you know, I sprinkle it all through and then all of a sudden you're like, oh, that's what you meant in money methodology.

    Now, I see that that's quantum whereas you just start coming out talking quantum lingo and you've lost people .   But all of that stuff, the energetic side of it, the quantum side manifestation, all of it, it, it is really scientific and we nerd out about it. It is one of those things that it plays a big part in all of our life.

    And I think if you want to begin that journey, first of all, just become the neutral observer of you and notice. Your energy when you're in certain situations, when you're around certain people, notice your energy, because that is always the big signs. To you that something might need to change. And I think it's learning to follow those intuitive nudges that you get.

    That is what brings about more freedom, more ease, more simplicity in your life. And sometimes it is about doing things that are really, really scary, but I think we were talking about it. Maybe it was our session last week when I was saying this, you've just got to feel the fear and move through it anyway.

    But there's two kinds of fear. There's the fear of like, Oh my God, if I do this, I'm going to die. Like you're jumping off the cliff. And then there's the fear of this is bloody terrifying, but exciting and exhilarating at the same time, like a rollercoaster. There's two kinds of fear. If it's a rollercoaster kind of fear, just go for it.

    If it's like the fear, Oh my God, I could literally die for this. Then maybe don't. Fear is just a way of our body trying to keep us safe and it's also trying to keep us in the familiar and familiarity just continues to perpetuate the cycle that you're already living. So if the life that you're living right now is not in line with where you see it going and your actual dream life, as cliche as that sounds, what is your dream life?

    We all have one. We know, but we often don't admit it because maybe we don't feel that we can, and like you said, too. You would only voice your dreams, your ambitions, your goals, and talk about the journey to certain people who got it because you had to be very careful around not bringing that negative energy into a space that is so important.

    And it's another conversation that does come up a lot and I see it a lot, but what if my partner doesn't support me? What if my family doesn't support me? What if my friends don't support me? Find people that will. And, and put the boundaries up. There will always be certain people, even in our close circle that we love and adore.

    But there's certain things that we're not going to share with them. One, because they just don't get it. They support you and love you, but they really don't get what you're talking about. Or they have a lot of their own beliefs that they need to go through. And by you sharing certain things or speaking about certain things, you're actually kind of triggering them because you're holding up a mirror and that's making them feel inferior.

    So you will be aware of that and that will. Be obvious to you when you start to observe your energy and the energy of others, when you mentioned certain things, if you don't get the response that you hoped for, and you noticed, oh, I might have just triggered them a little bit. They're not your person to share that kind of stuff with.

    They've still got their own journey to go through, and it's not your responsibility to force someone to come on the journey with you. They will if they choose to. We're all in our own journeys. But yeah, I love this whole conversation. And I'm really glad that you touched on those things too, because I think it's very, very important for everyone to understand just to run your own race, stay in your own lane, but really actually dive deep because if you want to be successful, whatever success means to you, and that is always linked to money.

    Whether people want to admit it or not, the level of success that you desire, the freedom that you desire, it's all easier when you have the money that can support it and support you and your dreams, your ambitions, the people around you. You can be more generous. The more resources that you have and money is just a resource.

    Did you want to finish anything else before we call it quits and have a celebratory wine to celebrate your second book publishing? Yeah. I'll just end with this whole thing about passive income kind of what. You had mentioned earlier, like, it does take some hard work to, to build it up and create it, but it's so worth it.

    It's so worth it when you get to the other side. So, any of you that have that on your mind, just... Go for it. Go for whatever it is. And, you know, try it. If it doesn't work, try something else. You know, it's all coming together. It's all coming together. You know, you're like that. Carla's favorite phase. That is literally my favorite mantra. Mine and Mick's favorite mantra. It's all coming together and it's so beautiful. When I hear, you know, you and other clients of mine repeat it to me, they're like, oh, it's all coming together.

    I'm like, yes, it is. All right. Well, thank you so much for coming on and sharing your amazing story. And now let's go have a quick celebration for your second book publisher. This has been an absolutely amazing journey and this is just the beginning. All right. And I'll make sure to leave all the links in the show notes so you can go and purchase her incredible books and support this wonderful woman, make this massive impact in the world.

    All right. We'll chat to you soon.


77. Going All In & Unleashing Your Ultimate Success in 2024


75. Money Mindset Affirmations for Financial Flow