77. Going All In & Unleashing Your Ultimate Success in 2024

Carla shares her insights on the journey she and her clients have undergone, discussing the shifts and new perspectives that have occurred. She reflects on her decision to go full time with her business, manifesting her dreams, and her experiences throughout the year.

Furthermore, she discusses the need to confront and accept the reality of failure, encouraging you to see every challenge as a stepping stone to the next level. Carla draws examples from her personal life to elaborate on how her mindset has evolved and gives a brief overview about her plans for 2024, urging you to live life with gratitude and curiosity.

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  • β€Š your host, Carla Townsend, and I'm a money mindset and success coach for female entrepreneurs who are ready to manifest a masterpiece in their life and in their business. So let's get started.

    β€Š πŸ“ Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Money Mindset Hub podcast. What a week. All right. This week has honestly been phenomenal.

    There's been so many shifts that have been happening. There's been so many shifts that, my clients have been going through. It's been just magic and it's been a little bit since I've actually recorded a solo episode too. Just want to give you this bit of a spin on what has been happening, shifts that have been happening, different perspectives, different mindset shifts in the way that you can look at things and start to perceive your experience of life.

    So for those of you who have been here for a while, who are my OGs, thank you so much. Like everyone listening to this, thank you so much. I adore you. And without you, the podcast wouldn't be where it is. My business wouldn't be where it is. And I wouldn't be in the position where I am now, where I'm about to go full time, all in on my business and build my dream.

    So for the last few years, whilst I've been growing this business, I've also been working part time and I've got to the point now I'm going to rip the bandaid off and get rid of that lifeline, I suppose. It's not essential anymore

    and I know a lot of us are actually going through the same thing or something similar. Maybe you've recently gone all in. I also have clients who are also at this stage and we're going to be going on this journey together in 2024. So I feel like it's very fitting to have this conversation around what to expect and experiences in general, just to.

    Really look at the year that we've had so far because we are almost at the end of the year. Can you believe it? I cannot believe it. It's nearly Christmas and it's mind blowing. It's mind blowing to think that this was my daughter's first year at school and she's about to go and be a big grade one.

    Like what the hell next year is my son's last year at kinder and then he's in school and oh my god, it's just phenomenal how fast it goes. So if you've got a pen and a paper now, it'd be a great time. I'm probably going to say a few things. You're going to be like, Oh, got it. And I'm going to lovingly call you out on a few things here too, because I know personally on retrospect, that there's been certain times where I've been playing small.

    And I know that there's times that you've been playing small and potentially you're still playing small at the moment. So I want to like slap you out of it and make you pull the bandaid off as well. And let's just do it. So to give you a quick recap here, if this is the first time you're ever listening to me, or maybe you're just new here in the podcast and you don't really know my story.

    But essentially take it back to 2021. This is when I relaunched my business to what it is today, June, 2021 was a month. I turned 30 and I felt like what I could only explain as a spiritual awakening. It was just the moment. It was the moment to just do it. Carla, just do it now or never mind you at that same month.

    I literally had a newborn baby. She was only one month old. I had a two year old son and a four year old daughter. So here I am. Three kids, four and under, and I'm like, yeah, now's the time. Like an absolute psychopath. I thought, okay, now's the time to actually go back, relaunch my business, really speak to women in business and make an impact here, create that legacy that I want to create that lives far beyond what I will.

    And so I did, I did. And here we are nearly two and a half years later. I've never looked back and it's only gotten better. So at that point, I was on maternity leave for nearly 12 months. And then I went back to working part time. I wish I never went back to working part time because I'd already replaced my wage.

    I'd already done that in lightning speed, right? In a couple of months, I had done it. I had pivoted my business. I had launched brand new products and offerings speaking to a total different client. Person, client avatar, whatever you want to call it. And I'd already replaced my income, so I didn't need to.

    However, all my mamas out there will probably know it is very different when you were growing a business and you have responsibilities like children and a mortgage, right? We have three children and a mortgage. Also me being an accumulator archetype, very calculated with the decisions that I make, and I never wanted to put myself in financial jeopardy. And also at the same time, I don't regret the decision because the decision actually allowed me to grow my business faster. So if you're thinking, Oh my God, I don't want to go back to work, but I feel like I have to, and there's all this pressure in the business and I'm not making money in the business.

    Potentially that need to earn money in your business. That need is coming up in desperation. That's actually repelling your clients. So sometimes the best decision that you can make is actually to get a part time job, to substitute what it is you're making in your business so that your business is fun and it's free and it's flowy and there's no pressure, money that is earned from pressure feels different.

    It feels different when money is just blowing in and it's fun and it's vibrant and it's like this amazing energy that's so different that is like pleasure money not like pushing shit uphill and hoping it works out because it has to it must it needs different energy. So that brings me to here two and a half years later, here we are.

    I'm finally just at this point of like, that's it. We're done. We're all in and saying that as well. Like next year is the final year that my son is home. And then he starts school. Then I have two in school and my youngest is now too. So I just want that time to be mom and still grow my business in this beautiful way, but just close that work tab down that working for somebody else tab down. And you know what I mean? Because when you do have a part time job and it is great, it's a great substitute. Again, it takes the pressure off you earning money in your business and it can be the very thing that makes your business actually grow so quickly because there's no need for the money and it's fun.

    However, it does get to this point sometimes where you're like, you know what, that's it. Why am I still hanging on? And I've really had that shift in the last few months. I had to go into the office. Last week of the week before, I always work from home, but I went into the office, I went in and the energy that I felt within my body was, I don't want to be here anymore.

    I don't want to be here anymore. I don't want to come back. This is soul sucking energy. And then guess what? Two days later, I was so sick. Like that day drained me so much. And then I was sick for three days, knocked on my ass for three days because I was so tired and exhausted. And when you're in that state, when you're so depleted, you cannot be the person that you want to be, you're not being the best version of yourself.

    The best version of the mother that you wanna be like, you're just not, because you can't give from an empty cup. We've all heard that before, right? You have to fill your cup up and then you give from the overflow. You can't do it from an empty cup. And I was empty, and I know why I was empty.

    It's because I hadn't made that decision. Like I kind of had, like I, you know, borderlined it, but I hadn't actually said, that's it. I'm done. Decision. Brings power power is what we all want, whether you disagree with me or not being powerful in whatever it is, whatever area, whatever part of your life, even just the power to make a damn decision that is powerful.

    And when you feel like your life is in your control, then you feel even more powerful. And that's how I felt. So anyway, this is where we are, this is where we're at. I can't wait to take you on this journey of the next 12 months and being a full time entrepreneur. I'm so excited. I have been manifesting this point in my life for years and it's here.

    Everything to date in my life, I had thought about for years. I had dreamed of, and I had slowly, but surely put one foot in front of the other and I brought it to fruition. And so can you, I'm not a unicorn, but this shit works. Okay. This works. I didn't just all of a sudden decide, okay, I'm going to start a business and then I'm just going to be full time in my business.

    Now I'm just going to like quit and go. That's not me. I'm a very calculated person. I like to mitigate risk as much as possible and I have responsibilities. And I also never wanted my business to be built from pressure. I wanted it to be fun. And then that's how I've got to this point.

    So my God, am I excited? I'm so damn excited. And it is just the beginning. Like it always feels like just the beginning anyway. If this is kind of where you're at, maybe you're on the fence, maybe you're at the point of like, I want to quit my job and I want to go on in, but I'm actually terrified and I'm stopping myself and I'm kind of playing small.

    Here's my understanding of it. And also this, I guess sort of was sparked from this incredible masterclass that I was in this week from Melanie layer, and it just really got me thinking and it really cemented, yeah, this is where I'm at and maybe contemplate a lot about my life. And if you don't have time to contemplate around what it is that you want.

    Where it is you're going, what are you putting up with just for the sake of putting up with give yourself some time to contemplate whether it be in the shower and it'd be five minutes, when you're just driving the car, you're going to and from like picking up the kids and all that sort of stuff, just time to think. What is it that I want? What am I working towards? What am I stopping myself from? What's the worst thing that could actually happen? But what is the best thing that could happen?

    So something that she said was if you're protecting yourself from failure, you're already failing. So then I contemplated it more and I thought, okay. So if you're stopping yourself from failing, you're avoiding failure, that is failing because failure is a part of the journey.

    Okay, this is what I sort of was thinking about and the way I contemplated it and the way that I explained it in my own words was. Failure is a part of the journey.

    You have to accept it. You've got to embrace it. You just have to take it on. It's a part of it. It is literally just an experience that you're going to go through and you're going to go through many failures. But at the end of the day, in my opinion, the only way that you truly fail is when you give up, when you stop trying, that's when you failed.

    If you never stop trying, you can never fail. Like failure isn't an option if you never give up, but when you give up, that's it, you're done. So if you never stop, you can never fail. So stop trying to avoid failure. Just Follow what it is that, that you should be doing. We all have that internal dialogue.

    We all have that inner guidance system that is telling us that is nudging us. That initial thought, that initial nudge, that initial intuitive guidance, that spark, that. Divine ping that we know we should do, but then straight away, this is where our real truth comes in straight away.

    It's like, but I can't do that. Who am I to do that? That's going to fail. It's not going to work out. What if it doesn't go very well? Like we keep going off in these tangents. What if we could just stop that clear that move on from that. Then we feel what we really want to feel. Then we act the way we really want to act.

    And then we get the desired result that it is that we're after. And guess what? Sometimes the results that you get. And not always what you expected, and not always what you wanted or hoped for, but it's a result nonetheless. Maybe the result is a lesson. Maybe the result is a pivot. Maybe the result is something even better than what you could have imagined.

    But it's a result nonetheless. It's what you do with that result, because at the end of the day, you don't want to get to the end of your life and look back and say, but what if, what if I had to just try, what if I had to just go on all in then, what if I had to just trusted myself, what if I had to just believed in myself more, what if I had to have more confidence, what if I had to just bloody said stop, no, I'm doing me, what if you just had a followed, what lit you up in your life, what makes you feel fulfilled, what makes you feel in a peace, What makes you feel free?

    What would you say to yourself? You don't want to be looking back. I said this to one of my clients this morning, actually, in our private session. I said, you don't want to get to the 90 year old version of you and look back and say, that's what you could have been. If you had a try, that's what you could have done.

    That's what you could have experienced. No one wants that.

    It is a privilege to live life. It is a privilege every day that we wake up and we're still breathing and our hearts still beating. It's a privilege. Life is a beautiful gift, so use it as a gift. Don't be ungrateful for it. Every day is a new day. Yes. There are shit things that happen. Yes. There are sometimes moments in life, seasons of life that are not the best.

    And everybody's going through something different. But the moment we start to go through a certain season, there's another season that's going to be approaching. You've just got to handle that. You just got to get through that in whatever way feels the best for you and whatever way is meant for you. And then you're going to get to the other side.

    You're going to have so many lessons and, and so many experiences and. All of this beauty that comes with life and life is duality. Life is the good and the bad. It isn't always rainbows, right? We always hear that life isn't always rainbows and sunshine, but what if the majority of it was,

    because if you never try, you'll never know you have to do your part and then you have to trust that whatever's meant to be will be. The thing that you want will come when it's ready to come, you have to work on you. You have to work on those thoughts that are dominating your mind. Those beliefs that are just playing out subconsciously in your reality.

    Those feelings that you feel, don't judge them. Don't make yourself bad for feeling a certain way. Don't make yourself bad or wrongful being a certain way.

    I used to make myself wrong for being too loud. I used to make myself wrong for being too quiet when I was younger. I didn't say a lot. I was pretty submissive, to be honest. I was a people pleaser. I was a perfectionist. I wouldn't want to rock the boat. I'd be so kind to everybody. But I would get walked all over, people would talk behind my back, people would assume who I was, and people who knew me when I was younger, when I was a teenager, who would see me now, I'm a different person. I'm actually someone that I'm proud to be today. Are you proud of who you are today or are there tendencies, are there personality traits, are there characteristics of you that you want to build, you desire to build, that you desire to let go, leave it behind in 2023, focus on the new you, the best version of you in 2024.

    Something Mick and I say to our kids all the time is you are only in competition with yourself. You are not in competition with anybody else. You are in competition with yourself. And as long as you try to do better and be better than what you did yesterday, you're winning.

    Do what it is that you need to do. Do what it is that you want to do. Do what it is that you must do in order to get closer to your highest self. Get closer to your highest vision. Get closer to your highest timeline. Do that.

    Be that. And then you will get to have that and have all of it, leave what you need to behind in this year, in this 2023, this year of wild up and downs. And crazy times, yeah, it's been pretty crazy times throughout the world. Not that I watched the news. I definitely encourage you not to be very clear.

    What are you bringing into 2024? What are you leaving behind? Because I know that you probably feel this as well, but the older you get, the quicker life seems to go. Maybe it's because we have kids and we see how fast they grow up. I'm not sure. Maybe it's because we've been around for a longer time. So our perception of time is that a year isn't actually that long, but when you're a child, it feels like forever.

    I know for myself, I am definitely going to bring my truth into next year. Speak my truth. Not hold back. I know where it's all coming from. It's all coming from a place of love. It's all coming from my highest self. I feel very, very connected to her and I am so proud of everything I did this year. I'm so damn proud of myself and I want you to feel like this too.

    I want you to feel like you can handle whatever life throws at you because it's just going to make you stronger. This is the evolution of your identity. No need to protect yourself. No need to try and avoid, no need to try and micromanage either. You don't need to do any of that, but you already have all the answers.

    Sometimes you think you don't. Sometimes you need the guidance. Yes, I get that. I have been there too. Sometimes I had needed. Someone else's perspective on what was happening as shift another set of eyes, a non biased eyes, as much as we, we want to be the best observers of our life and of our thoughts and of what's happening and, and not play into the drama triangle, right?

    Sometimes it's hard because at the end of the day, we're all having a human experience. As long as you can see your emotions for what they are, and you can see your seasons of life for what they are. And like Melanie said, they're just waves. It's just a wave. It's a wave. You've got to ride. And the minute you're riding that wave and you're feeling the emotions and the challenges that come with it, a new wave, it's already on its way, but it's up to you, the frequency in which that new wave comes.

    And when we continue to stay in a certain frequency and ride the waves like the same frequency, whether it's in self doubt and avoidance, lack of confidence, lack of clarity, if we are operating from that frequency and we never pull ourselves out. We never change it. We just accept it and accept that it is what it is.

    Then guess what? Every single other way that comes your way is going to feel. You definitely attract what it is that you're putting out. The more that you feel that you are in the frequency of love and gratitude and abundance and joy. Not that you feel it all the time and it's not about, you know, toxic positivity or anything like that, but the more that you've truly hand on your heart is so damn grateful that you're here today, you're breathing, you're happy, you're healthy, you've got a roof over your head, you've got food on your table, as long as you can be grateful for everything that it is that you've got, then the only thing you're going to continue to attract It's going to be great.

    It's going to be good. And occasionally you're going to cop a challenge. Occasionally you're going to get a wave and it's not the best wave. And you're like, why? I'm so grateful. I've been doing everything. Why is this shitty wave coming? It just happens. That's just life. That's a challenge.

    I see every challenge now as just an opportunity for me to grow and evolve, and I want you to look at them too. Every time that something falls on your lap or hits you in the face, it's a challenge, and it's a challenge to be an initiation into your next level. Life is like a game, and the more that you can gamify life, the more that you can gamify business, the more fun you're going to have, and the quicker you're going to level up, you know?

    That's probably the easiest analogy to give. It's like a game. Gamify it. Have fun with it. What if it worked out even better than you can imagine? What if? Why not play into the frequency of what if in that kind of a context rather than what if worst case scenario? Because when you're playing in worst case scenario, believe it or not, you're telling your mind to continue to look for the worst case scenarios and things are going to keep going wrong and get a spiral and it's going to go out of hand.

    And we don't need that. And we don't want to continue attracting experiences. That are in that same frequency. We want to feel that we want to move on to the next.

    So I hope you've enjoyed this. This was a few things that I definitely want to talk about a few things that I definitely wanted to leave you with. And also potentially a bit of a kick up the butt to those of you who are still feeling like every December, you are still in the same place. Not much has changed, not much has evolved.

    And when I say that, I don't mean externally, I mean internally. What has happened in your life in the last 12 months? What are you happy for? What are you grateful for? What are you proud of? What could you do better next year? I think it's always a beautiful time at this time of year to start thinking about that.

    And I'm excited to bring you more conversations like this where I really am speaking my truth. I think that that's going to be my word of the year for 2024. I have had a continual word of the year for the last three years in a row.

    2021. My word of the year was belief. 2022. My word of the year was expansion and 2023. My word of the year was authority. They mean something personal to me, you know, and it doesn't matter what you choose and whether you choose it or not, but I don't know.

    Since the last three years, because I've been choosing a sort of what I always come back to that. I think 2024 is going to be the year of. My truth, the year of truth, really speaking clearly, really putting it out there and being a bit more direct. But it all comes from a place of love.

    It all comes from a place of trying to activate you to get you to move, to not get to 90 years old and look back and think, what could have been? What could I have done? I wish I had have done this. I don't want to grow up with any regrets and I don't want you to grow up with any regrets. That's a really big reason as to why I even have this business is because I want to reach my true potential and I want you to reach your true potential.

    And the only way we can do that is actually back ourselves and do the things that we're here to do. And each of us is different. So why not go for it? Why not make 2024 the year that we go all in? Why not make 2024 the best year ever? The best year ever, because you can do it. I can do it. We can do it.

    If you love this kind of conversation, remember, I always have my money matrix membership. Please come and join it. If you want more fiery conversations like this more in a masterclass style, as well as experts to come in and take you through various modalities and techniques and different concepts for you to grow and evolve,

    become the woman who can actually handle it all. Become your most confident self, as well as understanding how to monetize your genius online, of course, and build the empire and the legacy. But a lot of that has to do with actually building you and becoming the woman that you're proud of. The one that you can hand on heart and say, I'm so proud of you when you look at yourself in the mirror.

    That's the whole point. So anyway, I'm going to leave you with that and I will catch you in the next episode.

    β€ŠThank you so much for listening to today's episode. I hope you enjoyed it. And if you did, I would absolutely love it. If you could please leave me a five star review. And if you know anyone who would benefit from listening to this episode, please share it with them until next time. Remember everything you desire and deserve is just on the other side of your own resistance.

    So take that next step.


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