10. This phrase blocks your manifestations instantly.

In this episode we talk all things:

  • The phrase that will instantly block your success and manifestations in business

  • The powerful technique to shift your perspective and what you are worthy or capable of doing/being/having/creating/receiving

  • Where a lack mindset originates and how to overcome it

  • Initiating the process of discovering your blocks starts here

  • The word you need to immediately stop using now.

  • Are you acting and reacting from a child state?

  • You may be stopping yourself from manifesting the money you want effortlessly without realising!

  • The phrase we have removed from our children's vocabulary because it will block them from creating their capacity to cultivate their dream life

  • Simple exercise to start doing immediately to reshape you perception of possibilities in your life

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  • Welcome to the money mindset hub podcast. I'm your host Carla Townsend, and money mindset and success coach on a mission to normalize feminine wealth through empowering the minds of fierce females in business, you're in the right place if you are a female who wants to become a vibrational match to attract more wealth, freedom and abundance, but you just keep getting stuck, or there's something amiss. There's something blocking you from attracting that desired level of success and reaching your highest potential. So I'll be talking all things money mindset, energetics of money manifestation law of attraction, CEO mindset, and much, much more. Because the world needs more content of women like you with deep pockets. So let's


    get started. Hello, everyone, welcome back to another episode. So last week, on my Instagram stories, I shared a little scenario that happened with my son. And a lot of you resonated with it, a lot of you felt the same. And I can tell you now my dams, there was an influx. So many of you resonated and found yourself stuck in the same situation, repeating the same phrase to yourself, or it just popping up subconsciously. And you're not even being that fully aware of it until now. So the whole point, I guess, in this, this whole podcast is to bring your conscious awareness to certain topics, certain areas to certain mindset blocks or mindset shifts that will help you. So I would love to get your feedback as well, please let me know, please take a screenshot and share it. So I know who's listening and where you're listening from and what you thought of the episodes. Now to get into it. The phrase was, I can't let's just think about a time Now recently, where that's come up for you. Often when it's women in business, it comes down to, I can't charge that, I can't ask that. I can't do that. I can't be that, I can't want that. I can't have that you see where I'm going with this. There's lots of different ways that it pops up. Now the reasons to do with worthiness one, that's a huge thing, a lack of knowledge, a lack of confidence. So many different reasons this pops up. But I just want you to now be aware that I brought your conscious awareness to the fact that this phrase will pop up like a little annoying little devil in your ear. When you feel yourself almost about to say I can't I want you to reframe. I want you to just pause for a sec and stop and go no, hang on. Am I just saying I can't do this have this be this charge that whatever it might be, because I'm fearful. I'm scared, I feel unworthy. I feel there's lack there. I feel like what is the root cause? Because the root cause is a block for you. The root cause is what leads to one of your key areas that you need to push through and you need to question Question everything, begin to become the observer of your own thoughts and realize what is going on in there. Take a little stocktake of the times that this phrase comes up, I can't write it down, keep it on your notes on your phone, whatever it might be. Because these are sure signs that this same thing this same I can't phrase would have come up 1000 times you've only just now been aware that it's it's blocking you and it's keeping you stuck and it's holding you back. Because who is who is anyone to tell you? You can't do something? Why can't you do anything? Let's think back to when you're born. Okay, when you're born, there really isn't that much that you can do. Okay, like, you know, as parents, we do everything for our kids until they can begin to have more independence, you know, a little baby is not going to have any independence at that stage. So yes, realistically, there is not a lot that they can do. However, as they start to grow, they become toddlers, you start to teach them how to do things, how to be independent, how to do things on their own, they don't need to ask, you do not need permission to do what it is that you want to do to do what it is that your heart desires. If you feel like you continually get stuck in this, this phrase of I can't keeps popping up. I want you to question why you think that where did that come from? Who told you that you can't Who told you that you're not allowed to do X have x b x charge X, whatever it is for you. Start to take note of that because as soon as that phrase comes up and you just blitz out of your mouth, you've instantly stopped yourself before you even given yourself a chance to start or try. That's what it does. It's just like a big fat hold up. She's not ready for this in the universe. And that's what it's going to do right? It's going to go Oh, hang on not she just keeps dropping the the excuse bomb. I can't I can't do this. I don't want that. So really, she doesn't want the abundance. She doesn't want this success. She doesn't want the well she doesn't want what she says she wants, because she just instantly drops the excuse. I can't. Now that might sound brutal, but it's just one of those things that I don't know. It's a phrase that I that I don't like. And yeah, like I said, I don't allow my children to say I can't it's not a part of their vocabulary. We've taught them that from the get go, because they can do anything. It's actually, we often do little affirmations with our kids, especially Jada, she's four, whenever she goes to say, I can't we say no, honey, what are you saying? And she says, I can do anything. I can do anything she saw it on, I think it was the movie metalline matalon says that. So if you can instill that in your children, or we turn around to our children and say, don't say you can't, yes, you can, we need to be aware of when it comes up in our own life, we need to be aware of when it pops up for us, you can be do have charge, dream, whatever it is, you can do anything. You know, so this is like my little pep talk to you. You can do anything that you desire, if you truly desire it. But the phrase I can't, it will instantly block any capacity that you had to even try it to begin with. And that is where you need to start we need to be aware of when that comes up. So exercise for you here. Take note of when that voice comes up, when does it come up? Why does it come up? And start recording that start to go deep? Well, hang on, why do I think I can't do this? You know, I can't, I will share this actually, personally, I always had this like this feeling of, I just can't finish anything. Can't finish anything. Alright, and I did suffer from shiny object syndrome for so long. You know, I suffered in jumping from this course to that course to this method, that method because I literally thought that the answers were external to myself, I thought that I needed to learn from someone else to get that external validation. I needed that like many pep talk from everyone, rather than focusing on pep talking myself. So the way I was talking to myself, you know, which is another thing you probably need to be aware of is how do you speak to yourself? And then how do you speak to your best friend? If your best friend was talking the amount of bullshit that you speak to yourself? What would they say? Would they jump in? Like, would they be like, What are you saying to yourself? Why are you telling yourself all these horrible things like think Do you know what you've done in this lifetime and where you've come from, and what you've achieved? Well, who are you to tell yourself that you can't do anything more, you can't do hard things you can, you can do hard things, you can be pushed outside your comfort zone, you can swim, okay, you will survive when we continue to worry about other people. And fear of judgment and fear of what will they think fear of failure, fear of success, even that actually does show up. And I didn't realize that was the thing for many, many years. That's what's stopping you. Yeah, that's not my personal experience was I thought that I you know, I just I just couldn't finish anything. I just I felt that jump from here, there everywhere. Just external validation is what I was looking for. The answer was always outside me. So I thought the true fact is, that was not true. Would that couldn't have been any further from the truth. I needed to stop getting stuck in the methods, the quick fixes, I need to just recenter realign and see where I was sabotaging myself. Because the phrase I can't is one of the biggest self sabotage is that will forever hold you back. Anyway, lovely. I'm going to stop talking. And I'm going to leave you with that. So I'm just gonna recap what I want you to do. Please share with me when you do this and what your takeaways are, and when it come up for you. Because yeah, like I said, my dams there was an influx of them. When I spoke about this, on my stories, so keep track, become an observer of your own thoughts. When the phrase I can't comes up? Why does it come up? When does it come up? What's the root cause? Try and take yourself back to a time many, many years ago, I'm presuming possibly from when you were a child, as most of our limiting beliefs come from then? Why do you think you can't do something? You can't do B have something? Where does that come from? And I want you to challenge it. Is it true? Is it really true? Can you know with 100% certainty that you cannot do or have or be the thing that you desire? Question everything.


    Thanks for listening to this week's episode. I hope you enjoyed it and if so, please subscribe to the podcast and join our mailing list at money mindset hub.com. Until next time, remember, everything you desire and deserve is just on the other side of your own resistance. So take that next step.


11. Not your typical money coach.


9. Budgets don’t work! Unless you start with this.