11. Not your typical money coach.

In this episode we talk all things:

  • There is no such thing as a one size fits everyone approach

  • No one is physically, biologically, emotionally, spiritually different

  • I throw it all out the window and teach whatever is best for my clients

  • Success is not a linear approach, that is a perception

  • The trap of procrastination with education but no implementation

  • Lazer focus your view and the information you are letting in to avoid overwhelm

  • Why it's important to let your intuition guide you in decision making

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  • Welcome to the money mindset hub podcast. I'm your host Carla Townsend, and money mindset and success coach on a mission to normalize feminine wealth through empowering the minds of fierce females in business, you're in the right place if you are a female who wants to become a vibrational match to attract more wealth, freedom and abundance, but you just keep getting stuck, or there's something amiss. There's something blocking you from attracting that desired level of success and reaching your highest potential. So I'll be talking all things money mindset, energetics of money manifestation law of attraction, CEO mindset, and much, much more. Because the world needs more kind hearted women like you with deep pockets. So let's get started.


    Hello, beautiful people. And welcome back to another episode of the podcast. Now first off, I apologize from the bottom of my heart for the lack of episode last Wednesday, because I did what you should never do, and is not have any overlap in my podcast recordings. So I thought, Okay, well, you know, last week, I had to record an episode and publish it the same day, I didn't have any pre recorded. So I've sort of ran out of those. And then what happened? Of course, I came run down, I was so extremely sick, like this is the sickest I have been, in several years, no joke, and no before anyone asked, it's not the vid, I've been tested, we're all sweet. But just goes to show, you know, like not everything always works out. And that doesn't matter. The thing is, I haven't let last week ruin the progress that I'm making, and the impact that I'm putting out there in the world. So I'm back. I'm here, I apologize. But you know, we're all human. Let's keep moving on with the podcast. So I shared a post earlier in the week. And it explained that I'm not your typical coach. I'm not your typical money mindset coach who believes that my method is the only way I call bullshit on anyone that says this is one proven method, the only method they say cret, you must do this, or you'll fail. If you want to do this, you this is the only way you'll succeed. It's total rubbish. Because there is no two people on the planet that are exactly the same. No two people are physically, biologically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually the same. We have different strengths, we have different weaknesses, we have different human designs, we have different limitations, we have different opportunities, so many different things. Not to mention, we manifest in different way. We act and react in different ways, depending on so many different things, past experiences, our genetic makeup, there is a million different facets to our loss and to a human being. That I don't think that there is ever one set way of doing anything. I've literally had clients in the past, who you know, I've taught them sort of my framework, my framework around money and mindset and how it all ties together. But I've also said to clients, you know what, just ignore this, because I actually think that there's a different strategy for you for your specific situation that would work better than what I think that would work. So I've literally gone and said, okay, just ignore what I just said, then, because for you in this situation, there is a different strategy, here's a different strategy, I think, for you would work because I am all about that tailored experience, I am all about no one size fits all, I will do every single thing I can to make sure that everybody who works with me feels and achieve success to whatever degree it is that suits them, whatever their meaning of success is, I will do the hard yards. And I will also go scrap that do this because this is you even if it's not a part of my framework, because, again, it's a tailored experience. It's not about oh, no, because that's outside of my, my, my realm or, or whatever, I'm just not going to include it. No, it's It's about going, hang on. I think for you, this would work better and you will get the results faster if you did it this way. In this specific moment. Maybe this other method that I generally teach will work down the track once you've accomplished x y Zed because I think that that is that is genuinely the wave to success. It is not a linear path. You know like, I mean if you zoom out on people that you believe are successful, and you appear like your perception is that they have literally just gone like zero to boom. And it's just been a straightforward Apollinaire approach, it never has everything peaks and troughs, and it's just never ending. But the one thing is your consistency. And not just consistency and learning the knowledge. Don't get me wrong, I've literally, you know, I've got stuck in the hole, I guess, trap of learning and learning and learning and learning, and then not actually implementing the learnings, that is where the magic happens. So you can learn off a million different people. But if you never implement what they are teaching, it will never work, okay, and you just won't get you won't get the results that you're wanting, you won't get the results that they're, that they're showing you that are possible. So here's a little reminder, just pick a person or two people, just a short couple of people to let guide you on this journey. Because they're more laser focused, your view is, and you're the information you're allowing to come into your world. That is how you'll be guided so much faster. When we try and take advice from a million different mentors, it gets so cloudy, overwhelmed, because there's so much noise and there's so much out there. I just want to say, as you're going on this journey to try and find who it is that you resonate with, be mindful of how it feels, and how that energy feels. So if you feel like oh, hang on, they're making me feel guilty, or, you know, they're telling me that I'll never have x y Zed like that lack and scarcity sales approach. And I think that's fair. Sometimes, sometimes it does work for people, like sometimes they need that big slap in the face to go, you keep messing up. And here's why. And that resonates for some people. But the thing is, we are all completely different. And we are designed differently. So we all need to trust at the end of the day, what feels good to us. And you will know like and build trust, according to your own intuition, your own gut feeling. That's the only way that you can be led and guarded. If you feel that someone is authentic, and they are trustworthy, and they are honest. That's when you'll feel like, okay, I can actually work with them. Yeah, I know, this might seem like, you know, I go all over the place. You know, me, if you listen this long in the podcast, you will know that I just whenever I have a download like this, it's just whatever comes through, I'm just going to share, because that's my voice. Like, that's my real voice. And, yeah, I guess I've got the gift of intuition. So I'm allowed voice so, um, yeah. So I just wanna remind you of that. And, yeah, just trust your intuition and trust what comes through and trust that, you know, you don't need to be sold to you need to be led, and you need to be guided. But again, no one size fits all. You need to take what you want. And you need to apply what you want. If you need that accountability, which is the biggest part, right? That's what I found, in my opinion, is I can get all the learnings and I can try and implement it myself. But if I don't have someone going, Hey, did you do this yet? Why don't you do this? Hence, I got myself a coach. You know, I just like, beat around the track for two years. And I went, you know what I feel like, I'm not really getting anywhere that fast. I made a coach that will get on the phone with me and be like, What have you done? Let's do this, do that. Or you know, how about we discussed this, it's all good. And well to do courses and all those sorts of things. They're fantastic. Don't get me wrong. But when they don't have that element, and I think that's where I am different is at the moment, I'm developing a group coaching program, it will be a group experience, because I find that they're the most potent. That's the biggest, energetic shift when you're in and surrounded by a group of women who are all like minded, who all want the same thing, and you're all keeping each other accountable. That's what I want. Like, I want that vortex to be available to all the women around the world. So yeah, that's what I'm doing at the moment and more details will come. There's so much out there, there's so much noise. Just be mindful to keep your your lens on like keep laser focus on what it is you want to do. But sort out those people that you know, like and trust those people that you see are genuine, those people that you just get the vibe that you know what she's gonna call me bullshit. She's gonna hold me accountable and it's gonna make me do big shifts in my life. And it's gonna make me take big leaps of faith, because that's what you need. And it is scary any investment. Another post I did earlier this week was explaining, you know, you need to be able to invest in yourself. It's safe to invest in yourself, but those investments are led by your heart and soul. They're led by what feels good, and they're led by that trust and it is daunting. But if an investment isn't a bit scary and a bit daunting, it's not worth it. You know, you need to have that like oh, okay, this I'm really doing this because that will make you go all in and that will make the big shifts that you want and you desire in your life.


    Thanks for listening to this week's episode. I hope you enjoyed it and if so, please subscribe to the podcast and join our mailing list at money mindset hub.com. Until next time, remember, everything you desire and deserve is just on the other side of your own resistance. So take that next step.


12. Drop the shame & activate your power.


10. This phrase blocks your manifestations instantly.