2. How to activate your inner wealthy woman.

In this episode I'll be talking all things;

  • activating your money mode

  • the ripple effect it creates

  • your unique definition of wealth

  • embodiment

  • the effect of not implementing your unique activation practices

Take it one step further and grab the freebie - Daily practices to ignite your inner wealthy woman

  • Welcome to the Money Mindset Hub podcast. I'm your host Carla Townsend, a money mindset and success coach on a mission to normalize feminine wealth, through empowering the minds of fierce females in business.

    You're in the right place if you are a female in business who wants to become a vibrational match to attract more wealth, freedom and abundance, but you just keep getting stuck or there's something a miss.

    There's something blocking you from attracting that desired level of success and reaching your highest potential.

    So I'll be talking all things money mindset, energetics of money manifestation law of attraction, CEO mindset, and much much more.

    Because the world needs more kind hearted women like you with deep pockets. So let's get started.

    Hello, and welcome back to the second episode of the podcast. I hope you enjoyed the first episode, probably excluding the sound quality, because I do want it to hurry up and get it out there much like this episode as well until I start outsourcing that. I apologize for the the editing.

    But I didn't want to procrastinate any longer because I am a serial procrastinator. And it just hasn't served me.

    So today this episode is all about how to activate your money mode and what that even means.

    So I'll share how I activate my own money mode and the ripple effect that that creates in my day., and what happens on the days where I don't where I don't tap into that, I guess, wealthy, activated motivated person that I that I need to.

    I also created a freebie that goes along with this episode to help you further tap into your own money mode and what that means and how to do it. So I'll link that below in the show notes. Or you can find it on my website money mindset hub.com. So let's get started.

    Okay, firstly, I want to start by bringing your awareness to what wealthy means to you? What does it mean to you to be wealthy? What does a wealthy woman look like? Dress Like, act like? What things does she say to yourself and those around her about money and about being successful.

    Maybe it triggers you, maybe you feel a little bit angry, or even have your back up when you think about a wealthy person in that that's also normal, you know.

    Maybe you feel excited or energized because you you want to be wealthy, maybe deep down, you really want to be wealthy, and you want to be that version of wealth that you perceive, but you feel like a bit of a dick saying it out loud. That too is also normal, it is normal.

    But here I want to explain what it means to me.

    So a wealthy woman to me is someone who embodies wealth,

    Who just radiates confidence, and success,

    She loves herself,

    She knows herself worth,

    She knows what she's here to do and who to be,

    And she is free, she's free To choose.

    So being wealthy to me is a state of being.

    It's not someone who just has a million dollars, right? Yeah, they're probably a wealthy person, but it's more.

    I know wealthy people that don't look like that you know, your typical wealthy person. Right. So it's strange, right? I get it.

    I used to think that a wealthy person was someone who was super rich, and I drove around in flash cars, wearing designer brands, and also a bit stuck up.

    That was my version of wealth. So that was that was my version of what a rich person to me looks like.

    I've rewired my version now. Okay, it's not what I think a wealthy person is now a rich person is now. No, now I look at people who I see as wealthy, and yes, some do still have those perceived rich material items, but I look at them, and they inspire me and they motivate me, you know, they intrigued me.

    How did they get so successful?

    What are they doing?

    What did they learn?

    What do they know that I don't know?

    You know, what can I tap into?

    And figure out, okay, so that's sort of where, where my energy is around when it comes to to look at someone and think, oh, they must be pretty wealthy. It's sort of changed.

    Doesn't matter whether you have the materialistic perceived wealthy, rich items or not, that's not it. When I see someone that's just fully embodies someone who is success, it's your success. Same thing.


    I just want to pause for a second. So when I think of someone who is successful in money sense and successful in just general life, it's the same thing.

    It's the same mindset, the same mentality, the same inner work, the same outer work, all of it is all the same whether you are your your money mindset and your success mindset go hand in hand.

    So that's why I like to say you know, I'm a money mindset and success coach because I want people to see how much the two are just intertwined. They are linked. They're the same, you can just swap them out.

    Okay. So, back to it. Sorry, I might always just have those little tangents. But you know, I'm just speaking for myself.

    So this is what I also want to just pop in when you listen to my podcast or you listen to me talk on, you know if I jump on Instagram or whatever.

    It's not like when I record I am recording from a place of it's literally what's coming to me at the moment. I need to speak about it now.

    So I'm speaking to you from my soul and I hope we can sense that you know, it's not all it's not all like scripted and it's, it's not all pre planned months in advance. It's just okay, this I literally just had this download in the shower. This is this is why I'm recording this episode right now.

    Okay, I just walked on the treadmill, got my exercise done, jumped in the shower, and boom, had this download money mode, money mode, get out of shower, and you know, do your face and do do all these things, which I'll get into just right now. I guess feeling that needs to share this right now. So hence this episode.

    So how do I activate my money mode?

    I do my hair, my makeup, especially wearing eyeliner. So there's just something about eyeliner that I love and it makes me feel more confident and sexy and just powerful. Even if I could say that just when I have eyeliner on. Yeah, I just feel you know, I just I love it. I love the feeling that comes with that for some reason.

    Also getting my nails done to me. I also love that I'm definitely someone I pick up my nails, like, you know, I bought my nails, I don't even realize that I'm doing it sometimes. So when I have my nails done, I feel more put together and I feel more confident as well. It all relates back to confidence.

    Another way that I activate my my money mode, that wealthy woman in me is when I train because of the energy that it brings me being in natural sunlight that lights me up, right.

    Having a beautiful smelling candle that as well just makes me feel inspired and my top flavour when it comes to a candles is coconut and lime. And I'll tell you why, it takes me back to holidays in Thailand, drinking pina coladas and just feeling super free. And I love, I love the hot weather and I love drinking pina coladas and just delicious coconut. I just love it. And right now it's winter. It's like just out of Melbourne. So yeah, it's cold.

    So what happens when I do these things, I do them every day, do something like this every day.

    And I'll also explain on the days that I don't what happens, okay?

    So when I do these things, it inspires me to do the work on myself in my business, get my message out there, it kicks off all these creative ideas.

    It increases my mood, it makes me feel more magnetic and energized and I can get so much done. When I do these simple little things. When I activate my money mode, I feel all these feelings.

    So when I don't on the flip side, so I want to reframe that for a second. So when I flip it on the days where I don't, you know, like, let's say, I've been up all night with one of the kids or you know, it's just a it's a shitty day, the days just started off a little bit shitty and I don't do any of these little practices to improve my mood, that is bad.

    It leaves me feeling flat. I'm uninspired. I'm moody. I let procrastination kick in comparisonitis oh my god, I can sit there scrolling for so long and there goes three hours and I literally just feel shitter, which is also another reason why which I'll go on to another episode, at a later date, which is why I pick and choose what information that I let allow in what I watch the content that I consume is very different. That's another reason why I'm very picky at that.

    So that is how I feel when I don't do any of those things. When I activate that wealthy woman in me in there. You know that person that I desire to be and show up as every day.

    It just, it's not great, you know, especially the two days while my two year old and four year old at daycare these days like today, today's Wednesday, they're in daycare. So I need to dig deep on these days. And I need to do whatever I can to ignite that wealthy woman who desires to take on the world and make an impact.


    Quick, short, sharp episode here. But I really want to challenge you to start thinking about what activates you what what empowers and triggers that wealthy woman to take on the world and act on those thoughts and downloads that come through.

    To you step into that higher version of you and see all that the complete realm of possibility that is out there for you, the potential just tap into that creativity is flow, love, just see what happens.

    I really want you to start thinking now what can I do to activate those feelings because everything that we do we experience right?

    Okay, that's probably not the best way to say it. What am I trying to say? I'm trying to say, life is all about how you experience things.

    So if you can change your experience by simply changing that, that internal experience in you by doing those little things that trigger you to be that more confident version of yourself, be that wealthy woman, activate your money mode, take on the world, whatever you can do to trigger that in you, I challenge you to do it daily.

    And I challenge you to start thinking about what that actually means.

    Because the more that you can do that, the more that you can harness the power within yourself to reach your potential. That's what we all want, right?

    We just want to reach our potential. So that's what I want you to do. Like I said, there's a freebie on my website, moneymindsethub.com. I'll also link it in the show notes.

    That'll help you to tap into that money mode and expand on this exercise a little bit more. Why not?

    Right, you've got nothing to lose everything to gain. So just go for it.

    Get that freebie and I really want to know what comes up for you and what is it that activates your money mode, so please let me know.

    Alright, lovely. I'll leave you with that. And I'll I'll catch you in the next episode.

    Thanks for listening to this week's episode. I hope you enjoyed it and if so, please subscribe to the podcast and join our mailing list at money mindset hub.com.

    Until next time, remember, everything you desire and deserve is just on the other side of your own resistance. So take that next step.


3. Money is energy. What does that even mean?


1. Who am I? What is Money Mindset Hub?