3. Money is energy. What does that even mean?

In this episode I'll be talking all things;

  • Everything is energy - highschool science overview

  • Basics of energetics and attracting your desires

  • How your internal reality directly translates into you external reality

  • Vibrating at a higher frequency and how it reflects in what you manifest

  • Scale of consciousness

  • Changing your neural pathways changes your entire life and experience

  • Power of affirmations

Take it one step further and grab the freebie - Daily practices to ignite your inner wealthy woman

  • Welcome to the money mindset hub podcast. I'm your host Carla Townsend, and money mindset and success coach on a mission to normalize feminine wealth through empowering the minds of fierce females in business.

    You're in the right place if you are a female who wants to become a vibrational match to attract more wealth, freedom and abundance, but you just keep getting stuck or there's something a miss. T

    here's something blocking you from attracting that desired level of success and reaching your highest potential.

    So I'll be talking all things money mindset, energetics of money manifestation law of attraction, CEO mindset, and much, much more.

    Because the world needs more kind hearted women like you with deep pockets. So let's get started.

    Hello, and welcome back to another episode of the podcast. So this episode is going to be super juicy. And I know that a lot of you are literally going to have like, what the hell moments because it's gonna blow your mind. I remember a few weeks ago, I was talking about this to a girlfriend. And I just like rattled off all this stuff in my I guess layman's way of explaining it all. And she literally looked at me like I was from Moz. So I know that there's gonna be a lot of you that go, wow, I never thought about it like this. And this is literally just this is just the beginning. So this episode is all about energetics. Money is energy. What does that even mean? You probably hear it a lot of the time. So I think money mindset manifestation Quantum Leap, all those stuff, all those words are constant. I guess buzzwords right now you hear them a lot. They're everywhere. They're everywhere you look. And I think it's also wonderful at the same time. But I just want to explain it in a way that is super basic for anyone who's just getting started out in this journey of just trying to attract their level of abundance their, their, you know, the side of the business because they want to do something for themselves. But they literally just start understand like, how do all these people manifest what they want? And so quickly? And what do people keep talking about money's energy. What does that even mean?


    That was exactly my thought. And look, I'm still on my mission to proving its truth. So I'll share my learnings as I go. But I just want to dive straight in. So let me take you back to high school science. So yes, if you're like me, and you actually paid attention in science, because you really liked it, you will remember that back in science, there was talk about protons, neutrons and electrons. Are you getting it? Are you remembering? Alright, so when people say that money is energy, or everything is energy, pretty much, that's what they mean, money is energy. Everything is energy, it doesn't matter what it is. Happiness is energy, every sort of emotion is energy. But where it all stems from is the fact that everything is made up of atoms. So your atoms Atoms are made up of subatomic particles, the subatomic particles are made up of 99.99% energy, which is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons, if you remember those little circle diagrams that they used to draw in science, and then the they are also made up of 0.01% matter. All right, 99.99%, and g 0.01%. matter. Matter is the physical 3d construct that you can see with your eyes. So look around you right now. And you can see things like, for me, I can see a baby bottle, my computer, my microphone, the wall, the floor, that's all matter. That's what I can see. Now, if I put all of the that underneath a microscope, I got to kind of talk to that. If you put all of that underneath a microscope, you'll be able to say that it's vibrating like it's moving a little bit in Do you remember that like going back into high school and just have to put the stuff on there, you can see everything sort of moving around. But when you weren't looking under with a microscope, you've to the eye, you could just say no, it was still. So it's the same thing when it comes to money, right? When it comes to anything, anything you my friend you are you are also vibrating as well, you just can't physically see it with your own eyes, but under a microscope, you will. So when people say that they explain that, you know, when they say I just feel so high vibe, it's because they're vibrating at a higher frequency. That frequency is what you can see in a microscope. This frequency this vibration of energy happens at a cellular level. What it means is they're completely dependent on your emotions. That's what you feel. Now let me just summarize that in an easy way because this is a topic that's super easy to go so many different angles, and it can get confusing. So to try and keep it simple. What triggers an emotion that creates a high vibe feeling you know when like you're just on fire, and everything's going fantastic. Your thoughts, your thoughts, okay? So that's where it all starts, everything starts with your mind, it creates the ripple effect in your life. And in your daily life in your monthly life really like your whole whole entire lifetime comes back to your mind, because it's your perception, your reality is just your perception of your reality is just the way that you experience it. So in a, I guess, a simple diagram, if you can picture you've got a thought. And then it triggers an emotion, that then shifts you into a vibrational frequency or a feeling that then a that attracts or pushes away what you want. Okay, so law of attraction, which is just one of the many, many universal laws. And little like, note here, there's not just 12 a lot of people talk about 12 universal laws, there's more than that mind blown, I know. So your thoughts trigger your emotions, they then shift your vibrational frequency, your your feeling, and then that creates the magnetic feelings. So you know, when you walk into the room, and you meet this person, and all of a sudden, like you're broke just vibing off each other, you know, you feel like you've known each other for so long, it just works, it just feels good. It's because you literally are vibrating at the same frequency on a cellular level. And so you're attracting one another, you've got that magnetic feeling, I will post as well on Instagram, a emotional frequency chart, which is also called a scale of consciousness, which explains the different vibrational frequencies that different emotions trigger, I'll put that up so then you can understand it because I know sometimes it's really easy to just look at a picture and then it'll all make sense. But that's saying of when you know, you're just on the same wavelength, it literally just comes from that that vibration, you're on the same wavelength. Because much like a sound, you know, when you see sounds like they're usually recorded in like a wavelength where your emotions are also being able to be picked up on a wavelength. Alright, and I don't know if I'm explaining this the best. But this is literally just an overall summary to intrigue you and make you realize, so you've got like love, gratitude, joy, peace, they're all magnetic vibrations, they are all some of the highest vibrations that you can feel the highest emotions that you can feel. So that's why gratitude journaling is such a hot topic. That's why so many people fall into like, just lead from a place of love, step into gratitude, you know, find peace in your every day. Why people say that is because it's literally those feelings that are at the top of that scale of consciousness or emotional frequency lists, that the highest vibrating emotions that you can feel, and they radiate out and people can feel them. I'll explain this in another way. So let's flip it. And let's just say you've just woken up, your alarm is going off, you're rattled, you're in a really shitty mood and the days starting out bad, right? What's your vibrations? What's your vibration and your frequency? What's your emotion at that state? Probably pretty low, because you're feeling pretty shit because you're startled your alarms just going off in a running light. And then next thing, everything just starts going wrong that day, you just in a slump. The whole day is like a ride off. You know, your kids start acting out more, then I don't know your partner comes home and all of a sudden, you guys are niggling at each other because you're just in such a shit mood that you've literally your frequency, your vibration is then impacting the entire world around you. And the whole day is just written off because you're in a shit mood. Now everyone's in a shit mood. Right? I know, we've all been there. Now when you flip that, and let's say your alarm goes off in the morning, and yes, you are running late. But instead of going Oh, shit, you chip. You go, alright. Oh, well, I'm running late. It's, you know, what can I do? Now it's out of my control, just accept it, move on, and still go about your day. And from a place of joy, peace and gratitude, then everything around you is going to be different, you know, you're not going to have the kids acting out, you're not going to have the grumpy partner because you're not exerting all this negative energy. you're exerting, like, love and acceptance of yes, you stuffed up, you slept in whatever, doesn't matter. That's where it happens. That's where it's different. So now you're probably going oh, yeah, I either do one or the other a lot. Okay, the universe is always bringing you more of what you feel. That pretty much sums it up, right? You wake up and it's just a total shit show the entire day as a write off. That's because you're literally just keep attracting the shit back in because you've sat in that emotion for so long. You've shifted into that negative vibration, that negative frequency, and now it's just radiating into your reality, your external reality. That's again, another little side note. That's what it means when people explain like your internal reality directly correlates to your external reality. That's what it means to its core in the simplest way I can explain it. That's what it means. How you feel on the inside is what happens on the outer thought, Okay, I hope that makes sense. Like, I really hope this episode, I know this episode is gonna blow a lot of your minds because there's just different ways of looking at it. The reason why I had your daily practices to ignite your wealthy woman, that was a freebie that I created. But anyway, episode to link to that freebie, pretty much on my website, the reason why I did that was because by stepping into your highest self and holding that vision, it changes your emotion, it shifts your vibration into a one of high frequency. So then you can go about each day, sitting on a high frequency and attracting more of what you want more of that abundance and love and freedom and money and everything that you want in your life. That's why I did that. And that was such a profound practice for myself creating that highest vision, that higher self vision and stepping into it by doing daily little things that get me in that vibration. Yeah, highly recommend it, I will again, link that in the show notes. If you want to go down to my website and get that freebie, it was one of the most profound things, I'm repeating myself, but seriously, go to it, or jump on YouTube or inside timer or wherever and listen to a higher self meditation that just will take you to that place. So it doesn't mean that you can't operate on a negative frequency, right. And what I mean by that is like, you know, you're pissed off or you feel guilt or shame or whatever it might be. But everything is a choice. Okay, so you can choose to stay in that vibration, you can choose to wallow play the victim project is shit on everyone. That's your choice, if you want to constantly operate from that standard. Or you can choose to feel your feelings I'm not talking about don't feel your feelings and don't lead to trauma. And all that sort of stuff happens. Like, sometimes shit just happens in life. It's out of our control. But it's what we do after that happens. That's what creates our life. Like, that's what moves us on. That's what keeps us going. So yes, feel your feelings. Absolutely. Sometimes life can be shaped, I'm not gonna lie, I have been through shit times too. But you can choose whether it's 10 minutes, 10 days, well, whatever, like age to your own, whatever it is you're going through, go through it, move through those emotions, and then move back into that state that you really truly deeply from your core want to operate from that heart led space to create your reality to create those dreams, you wouldn't have those dreams if you weren't capable of achieving them. Alright, if you believe in vision boards, like if you have ever created a vision board in your life, I'm telling you right now you believe in manifestation. Because you're actively doing it, everyone actively manifests every day you really do. It's, there's a bit more, there's a whole lot of stuff that you don't want about that, I'll go into that later on. But if you are one of those people, you create vision boards, you've got this vision of your life, but it's the feelings, the feelings that will bring that into your reality, your internal directly correlates to your external, just sit with that for a moment. So what you do, once you feel once you've moved past whatever it needs, you need to move through and deal with, then you get to actively change your thoughts from that, from that negative thought to that positive thought. Alright, so we're going back to the stop your, your thoughts on what triggered the emotions, okay? It always starts with the thought, let's jump back to the thought you get a thought it doesn't serve you it's a real shitty one. And it brings up stuff that doesn't make you feel good. Make you feel like a failure make you feel like you can't succeed, or you'll never reach your dreams or whatever it is that's playing in your mind, we all have so much, we all have so much to go through. And there's many, many layers. But once you shift from that negative to that positive, you are actively then in the state of trying to reprogram your own brain and change those neural pathways in your brain. So sometimes things happen, you're triggered. And instantly, you just go to this place and you act and react in this way. Again, another little side note, there are only two things that you can control in this life, how you act and how you react, you cannot control other people, you can only control your risk yourself. That's it, you're able to change a thought from a shitty one to one that serves you. It's one that you you vibe with. And that's why affirmations are so powerful. Because affirmations are something that you do. And the whole reason behind them is because they're repetitive creating affirmations and repeating them to yourself causes that repetition which is what reprograms your subconscious mind to then become like your normal operating system basically. So that's how it all works. And I hope that that that makes sense. I know I'm digressing. But that pretty much sums up my whole explanation of energetics, vibrations, frequency and how it all correlates back to your mind. I hope you liked this episode. That was literally just an overview. An Overview In the simplest way I possibly could but I hope you loved it. If you do Please let me know. I would really love to know screenshot the episode, share it on your stories, whatever, comment, reply to my emails. DM me, I just want to know what you took away from this episode because I know many of you will take away something from that. And anyway, I'll stop talking. I'll catch you in the next episode.


    Thanks for listening to this week's episode. I hope you enjoyed it and if so, please subscribe to the podcast and join our mailing list at money mindset hub.com. Until next time, remember, everything you desire and deserve is just on the other side of your own resistance. So take that next step.


4. Simple hack to become a money magnet.


2. How to activate your inner wealthy woman.