43. Awaken your divine creative power & live the life you came here for with Rachel Rose.

Rachel Rose is a holistic transformation and energetics coach and facilitator.

With a background in psychic and shamanic arts, she weaves her intuitive, spiritual and energetic intelligence into everything she does.

Her mission is to empower humanity with the tools to heal, transform and expand into their higher selves.

Her intention is to awaken them to their unique gifts and divine creative power to live the life they know they came here for.

She does this by holding a safe and sacred space for her clients to heal unresolved trauma, honour neglected layers and transcend limitations, whilst simultaneously empowering them to become the leader of their life through aligned action, increased emotional intelligence, resilience and unshakable self trust.

In this episode we dive into:

  • Heartbreak and generational trauma that led her to starting her business.

  • How she was giving her power away and not expressing herself until she realised these patterns from other people were a mirror of her internal reality.

  • How reflection and intention amplify your relationships with others, with yourself and with money.

  • How your money patterns and behaviours stem from layers within you and it is uncomfortable, it is easier to repeat the patterns and stay avoidant.

  • Throwing things at the wall and hoping it will stick doesn’t work in business, you need to take responsibility with your money and make strategic investment decisions to become a wealthy entrepreneur.

  • If you don’t give your money love and attention and allow it to build a reserve to support you.

  • The desperate energy is felt by your potential clients and repels money in your business.

  • Masculine structures are required to support your feminine flow and they get easier as you build those supportive habits.

  • Manifesting opportunities and moving through resistance and being able to discern whether it is self sabotage or an edge to explore.

  • The off field structure in your personal personal life supports the on field structure in your business.

  • Ways that we simplify our business to support our growth and tips for beginners or anyone feeling like it’s a bit of a sh*t show.

  • What is shamanic arts and what do psychic’s do.

And so much more gold in this episode, I know you will get a lot out of it and it will expand the way you think about you, your energy, your journey and your business.

Carla xx

PS. Check out this short and sweet video, if you are ready to transform your money mindset to make more money in 2023 - Money Mindset Fundamentals Uncovered







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