40. 3 Powerful Qs to ask yourself if you didn't nail 2022.

If 2022 wasn’t the year you felt like you nailed all of your goals, this episode is for you.

First of all, your life isn’t over yet, you haven’t failed, you are still moving in the right direction for the phase of life you are in right now.

Remember that what you focus on is what you attract,

So if you are spending time feeling sorry for yourself and beating yourself for all the actions that weren’t taken, let it go my love and shift your focus.

In this episode we dive into the three powerful questions I asked myself this week that relate to what standards and intentions I will choose to practice and implement next year, as well as those I choose to leave behind.

This is especially for you if you desire to have a big impact next year and truly step into who you were born to be.

I hope you love it, get your journal handy and dive in!

Carla xx





  • If 2022 wasn’t the year you felt like you nailed all of your goals, who cares!

    Your life isn’t over yet, you haven’t failed, you are still moving in the right direction for the phase of life you are in right now.

    Remember that what you focus on is what you attract,

    So if you are spending time feeling sorry for yourself and beating yourself for all the actions that weren’t taken, let it go my love and shift your focus.

    Instead, spend time focusing on all the wins you had,

    All the moves you did make,

    All the clients you did serve,

    All the progress you made,

    Not just professionally but also personally; like being more present as a mother, improving your health, up-levelling your money mindset and being less triggered.

    Sometimes it is easy to forget that your personal life also moves and expands at the same time as your business, sometimes faster if I’m honest, but we often forget to stop and smell the roses.

    Here are three powerful questions to go through as we wrap up the year

    Q1: What are you leaving behind in 2022?

    I am personally leaving behind mum guilt, so let me explain as I don’t want anyone to feel bad for feeling this way as it is normal.

    However, I am over feeling guilty for working and creating pockets in my day and week to work on my business and develop myself.

    I want my children to see what is possible and the best way to do that is to show them.

    So I am going to be explaining to them when I am working what I am doing and why, as well as being mindful of the time when I am not working that I switch off (easier said than done of course),

    But I want the time I spend with my kids to be fun and enjoyable for them and me, even with the tantrums and arguing, I know every parent can relate, half the time we are the referees!

    I desire to build a 7 figure business that creates the freedom and lifestyle of my dreams for my family,

    I desire to retire my husband and watch him thrive when he follows his passions without having to work the commercial construction hours,

    I want my children to grow up learning to follow their light, their purpose, their passion, not following the employee mentality they will learn in school (no offence), but schools don’t really set up kids to think for themselves and follow their passions, it teaches them to be a good worker, now that’s a rant we won’t get into here!

    The next thing I am leaving behind is the “small” business mentality, now again let me explain what this means to me and maybe you can relate.

    If you desire a 7 figure business, to me that is not a little business, and I don’t mean in terms of employees etc, I do actually want my company structure to stay small, but of you desire the impact to be large, then you need to step into that 7 figure CEO mindset and make the bold scary moves that terrify you, but in a good kinda way, you know?

    The visibility of my company will expand tenfold in 2023, so its time to put my big girl panties on and set up scalable structure to support that desire of mine, and the same goes for you my love!

    It is time to make the impact and income we dream of.

    There is no limits other than the ones we put on ourselves!

    Being intentional is key to manifesting the desires on your heart.

    This isn’t just about the action you take, but it is also the way you show up, the thoughts you think, the daily rituals to better your mindset and your life overall.

    Q2: What are you going to be more intentional with this year?

    Here are three of mine:

    1 - Being more present in the moment with my children

    2 - Taking nature walks more often

    3 - Creating space in my week for writing and creating

    But the thing is, when we set intentions we also need to remember to set boundaries,.

    Q3: So what boundaries are necessary for you to set?

    Here is mine for when I am being present and doing these three activities;

    I will be in self proclaimed do not disturb mode, meaning if someone’s calls I will call them back later, I will continually shift my thoughts and focus on what I am doing in that very moment and breathing in gratitude for my life as I do it.


41. A year of expansion and the lessons


39. Demystifying the misconceptions about money and how to practically shift your frequency